; http://php.net/session.use-trans-sid session.use_trans_sid = 0 ; Select a hash function for use in generating session ids. ; Possible Values ; 0 (MD5 128 bits) ; 1 (SHA-1 160 bits) ; This option may also be set to the name of any hash function supported by ; the hash ex...
;Select a hashfunctionforuseingenerating session ids.;Possible Values;0(MD5128bits);1(SHA-1160bits);This option may also besetto the nameofany hashfunctionsupported by;the hash extension.Alistofavailable hashes is returned by thehash_algos();function.;http://php.net/session.hash-functionsessi...
php从5.2.x升级到5.3.2.出来问题了。有些原来能用的程序报错了。报错内容是Deprecated: Function session_register() is deprecated查了一下是5.3这个session_register就不让用了,降回去?不爽。搜了一把,有个解决方法是写一个函数复制代码 代码如下:<?php // Fix for removed Session functions function fix_ses...
FILE 当前PHP文件的相对路径 LINE 当前PHP文件中所在的行号 FUNCTION 当前函数名,只对函数内调用起作用 CLASS 当前类名,只对类起作用 phpversion(), 返回了包含当前运行 PHP 解释器或扩展版本信息的 string。 PHP_VERSION 当前使用的PHP版本号 PHP_VERSION_ID (预定义常量,自 PHP 5.2.7 起有效)当前版本的整型...
如何使用php销毁当前的会话id并设置新的会话id? 、 phpinclude"secure_db.php"; $get_Lang_Id=$FetcHName['Lang_Id'];session_sta 浏览9提问于2019-02-04得票数 0 3回答 在codeigniter中使用Facebookphp将PHPSESSID添加到URL? 、、 我开始使用带有codeigniter的facebookphpsdk,但从那时起,我网站上的urls都...
functionfilter($value){!is_string($value)ANDdie("Hacking attempt!");returnaddslashes($value);}isset($_GET['p'])AND$_GET['p']==="register"AND$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']==='POST'ANDisset($_POST['username'])ANDisset($_POST['password'])AND@include('templates/register.php');isset($_...
$value=$request->session()->get('key',function(){ return'default'; }); The Global Session Helper You may also use the globalsessionPHP function to retrieve and store data in the session. When thesessionhelper is called with a single, string argument, it will return the value of that ...
3$value=$request->session()->get('key',function(){ 4return'default'; 5}); The Global Session Helper You may also use the globalsessionPHP function to retrieve and store data in the session. When thesessionhelper is called with a single, string argument, it will return the value of th...