Define sessile polyp. sessile polyp synonyms, sessile polyp pronunciation, sessile polyp translation, English dictionary definition of sessile polyp. Noun 1. sessile polyp - a relatively flat polyp polyp, polypus - a small vascular growth on the surface
也可见: sessile 形 — 无梗 形 · 无柄 形 · 全缘 形 polyp 名 — 息肉 名 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档sessile polyp随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾外部资源(未审查的) [...] have the history of cholecystolithiasis, inflammati...
polyp sessile po... noun Words related to sessile polyp nouna relatively flat polyp Related Words polyp polypus Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this...
MUC6 was found to have 100% specificity in distinguishing sessile serrated adenoma (N=26; positive staining) from hyperplastic polyp (N=48; negative staining). Traditional serrated adenomas and filiform serrated adenomas were also negative for MUC6. Sessile serrated adenomas with cytological dysplasia...
英文 词典里"sessile polyp"的近义词 polypus, polyp是 英文 同义词词典中“sessile polyp"的热门同义词。 polypus · polyp 更多 例句与“ sessile polyp " 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 The larva develops into the hydroid stage of the lifecycle, a tiny sessile polyp called a scyphistoma. ...
网络无蒂息肉 网络释义 1. 无蒂息肉 【摘要】:正一、肉眼形态粘膜面的限局性隆起——息肉,肉眼上基本上分为带蒂息肉(pedunculated polyp)和无蒂息肉(sessile p…|基于 1 个网页
Sessile Polyps can be diagnosed through colonoscopy. The usual diagnosis is incidental as Sessile Polyp is asymptomatic.
英语解释 a relatively flat polyp 相似短语 sessile polyp phr. 无蒂息肉 molluscum sessile 【医】 触染性软疣 sessile cyst 【医】 无蒂囊肿, 广基囊肿 trillium sessile phr. 红延龄草 sessile hydatid 囊状附件 sessile medusa 座生水母 sessile benthos 无柄水底植物 sessile eye 无柄眼 sessile...
A sessile polyp is a relatively flattened growth, as opposed to a pedunculated polyp, which grows on a stalk. Most sessile polyps...
Adequate biopsies and deeper sections are important to help make the diagnosis of SSP/A. This study shows that SSP/A are reasonably frequently encountered in non-specialist practice settings and that both clinicians and pathologist in this setting need to be aware of its existence. 展开 ...