“Sesame Street” introduced a new Muppet named Karli to its online “Sesame Street” in Communities program. Karli was placed in foster care while her mom dealt with “a grown up problem”—the show’s definition of addiction. “Sesame Street” addressed the opioid crisis and its impact on...
Elmo, Cookie Monster, Grover, Abby Cadabby, Oscar the Grouch and Elmo's puppy Tango hang with WIRED to answer the Internet's most searched questions about 'Sesame Street' and themselves in this hilarious WIRED Autocomplete Interview. Can they tell us how
AS it begins its 25th season on public television today, "Sesame Street" is turning the corner.Just beyond Big Bird's nest and the familiar sights of 123 Sesame Street, an extension is being added. No. 456 Sesame Street hosts the Furry Arms Muppet Hotel, Finders Keepers thrift shop, a ...
including its theme, “Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street?”; the title song for the segment One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others); Kermit the Frog’s signature ballad “Bein’ Green”; and Muppet Ernie’s buoyant ditty “Rubber Duckie,” a 1970 Bill...
King, R.E.M., Paul Simon, James Taylor, Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler and Stevie Wonder have all stopped by to mingle with the Muppets. “I’ll tell you why ‘Sesame Street’ is so cool,” says longtime fan Tony Bennett, whose 1995 performance of “Little Things” is featured on the ...
I was a Bruce Springsteen freak, and I was assigned to write a song about simple addition, so “Born to Add” occurred to me. The album it inspired [Born to Add: The Great Rock & Roll From Sesame Street] got nominated for a Grammy in 1984, the year that Michael Jackson was going ...
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