We're MADE for great three days at dance and street food fest; From Rudimental to a concert celebrating the glory days of the Hacienda, there's plenty for revellers to get their teeth into during the city's MADE festival. DAVID BENTLEY reports The closing ceremony featured "iftah ya simem...
芝麻街SesameStreet 21-11-9 16:24 来自微博weibo.com #Bert伯特# :迟到的 #芝麻街周一打卡# 这两天突然大降温,#CookieMonster甜饼怪# 准备做一些烤棉花糖饼干给怪朋友们分享。#Ernie厄尼# :我也要再去买一件暖和的条纹毛衣。。#芝麻街男孩女孩# 也要记得添衣保暖哦~ ...
美:[ˈopən ˈsɛsəmi] open sesame是什么意思 n. 秘诀,开门咒; open sesame英英释义 noun in The Arabian Nights, the magic words that open the door of the robbers' den. any effective means of gaining admission or achieving success. open sesame词源英文解释 from open sesame, th...