Sesame Street Theme - cast AB-C-DEF-GHI - Big Bird I've Got Two - Big Bird and Oscar (plus the cast) Goin' For A Ride - Anything People What Are Kids Called? - Bob and Susan Everybody Wash - Ernie and Bert One of These Things - Bob and Susan Up And Down - Two ...
Ernie replies "Oh no you can't!", and eventually gets the joke. He tries it on Bert, but the gag backfires when Bert bets he can get Ernie to read the sign. A mouse tries looking for his pet, describing to his friend what they did yesterday. Where to Watch Episode 13 Robot Has...
3. The muppets that dominated the show were Bert and Ernie。 3.伯特和厄尼是主导节目的两个提线木偶。 4. Oscar the Grouch actually 分享3赞 有关青春的演奏吧 有关青春的演奏 【转】艾美奖一些难忘的时刻~今年艾美奖已经蓄势待发,吧里也有相关的帖子。 看到一篇关于艾美奖的图片,经典的瞬间吧。一共有...
Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie decides to set up an apple-selling stand, and has everything he needs, leaving out the apples. Grover sings "I Stand Up Straight and Tall" while using some fast cutting camera trickery. Film George the Farmer demonstrates fast and slow by going back and ...