You can download this from SES4Win. This wizard performs the following functions: Installs Ceph-related code to the C:\Program Files\Ceph directory. Adds C:\Program Files\Ceph\bin to the %PATH% environment variable. Creates a Ceph RBD Mapping Service to automatically map RBD devices ...
Tilføjelse af smarte dokumentløsninger ved hjælp af XML-udvidelsespakker Hente eller udvikle intelligente dokumenter Tilføj og vedhæft en smart dokumentløsning Hvis fanenUdviklerikke er synlig, skal du gøre følgende for at få den vist: Klik ...
1. Download and install [GCC ARM Embedded]( Choose the .exe installer in the list of downloads. Choose the .exe installer from the list of downloads. 1. Clone the [ms-iot/mbed-windows]( repository:...
Download OCRmyPDF here: You can install it to a Python virtual environment or system-wide. Users of Debian 9 or later or Ubuntu 16.10 or later may simplyapt-get install ocrmypdf. For many users, installing the Docker image will be easier tha...
Just looked at the web installer - which is just supposed to itself download the required files - the one for 2020.2 is now 250MB when for 2020.1 it was 68MB (yes both Win 64 bit). What gives? They apparently included Petalinux installer and some other things into "unified installer"....