This is happening after updating from swagger 1.5.6 to 1.5.6. I'm using jetty-maven-plugin with resteasy 3.0.16 15:03:27.900 ERROR [qtp2034546868-30] i18n: RESTEASY002005: Failed executing GET /swagger.json org.jboss.resteasy.spi.Loggabl...
在Cannot create MockHttpSession with servlet 2.x, spring得到下面有用提示:Spring 4.0 需要得到 servlet 3.0 或以上版本的支持。 The Servlet API mocks in Spring Framework 4.0 support Servlet 3.0 and higher, as can be seen inGitHub commit deba32cad9. 追踪上面的 github 链接,可以发现 SessionCookieC...