1 : a condition in which an individual lacks liberty especially to determine his or her course of action or way of life specifically : the state of being a slave involuntary servitude 2: a right by which property owned by one person is subject to a specified use or enjoyment of ...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
10. G. militarily punitive expedition to certain locality, deprivation of private property, penal servitude, etc.. 其在形式上的特点表现为对受刑人造成生理上的残害或结束受刑者的生命。 11. In that time, the manpower cost of the rural public goods was made up by the famers'penal servitude. ...
The term servitude is also used in Property Law. In this context, servitude is used with the term easement, a right of some benefit or beneficial use out of, in, or over the land of another. Although the terms servitude and easement are sometimes used as synonyms, the two concepts differ...
What Is the Meaning of Indenture? Anindentureis a contract and for indentured servants, these contracts contained "indented" marks along the sides of the document. When the document was finalized, two copies were made. One copy was placed over the other and the edges of the pages were deface...
Servitude s meaning in law is the right of using other people s thing for convenience and interests of special man or special land, which including easement and personalservitude. 役权的法律涵义是指为特定人或特定土地的便利和利益而使用他人之物的权利。
The process of evaluating the meaning of a competitor's advertisement and the case to be made against it is reviewed. Finally, the article details the pros and cons of each procedural option available in dealing with a false ad. 展开
the wayleave is nevertheless continued meaning that keeping the equipment on the property is lawful and not an encroachment. If the landowner wishes to bring that temporary state of affairs to an end, its only remedy is to give notice requiring removal of the equipment[3]. Following receipt of...
The meaning of SERVITUDE is a condition in which one lacks liberty especially to determine one's course of action or way of life. How to use servitude in a sentence. Did you know?
1 : a condition in which an individual lacks liberty especially to determine his or her course of action or way of life specifically : the state of being a slave involuntary servitude 2: a right by which property owned by one person is subject to a specified use or enjoyment of ...