In contemporary property law, servitudes allow people to create stable long-term arrangements for a wide variety of purposes, including shared land uses; maintaining the character of a residential neighbourhood, commercial development, or historic property; and financing infrastructure and common facilities...
the municipality will require that a servitude be registered over a portion of the property in order to enable the municipality, if necessary at any point in the future, to access the property to repair or maintain or lay any new cables, sewers, pipes or any other municipal infrastructure...
The term servitude is also used in Property Law. In this context, servitude is used with the term easement, a right of some benefit or beneficial use out of, in, or over the land of another. Although the terms servitude and easement are sometimes used as synonyms, the two concepts differ...
19、Beyond the conception and system of personalservitude, its practicable to regulate right of habitation in property law.(脱离人役权的概念体系,在物权法中单独规定居住权也是可行的。) 20、servitudeis at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. (John P. Curran). A....
10. G. militarily punitive expedition to certain locality, deprivation of private property, penal servitude, etc.. 其在形式上的特点表现为对受刑人造成生理上的残害或结束受刑者的生命。 11. In that time, the manpower cost of the rural public goods was made up by the famers'penal servitude. ...
beyond the conception and system of personal servitude , it ' s practicable to regulate right of habitation in property law. 脱离人役权的概念体系,在物权法中单独规定居住权也是可行的。 2. It's not a truth pure and simple to abandon the system of personal servitude. 人役权制度的...
Servitudeis an important usufructuary right system in the traditional real law. 地役权是传统物权法中的一项重要的用益物权制度. 期刊摘选 Beyond the conception and system of personalservitude, its practicable right of habitation in property law. ...
villainage,villeinage- the legal status or condition of servitude of a villein or feudal serf slavery,thraldom,thrall,thralldom,bondage- the state of being under the control of another person Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Servitudeis an important usufructuary right system in the traditional real law. 地役权是传统物权法中的一项重要的用益物权制度. 期刊摘选 Beyond the conception and system of personalservitude, its practicable right of habitation in property law. ...