See, generally, Lois des Bat. Part 1 Louis. Code, tit. 4; Code Civil, B. 2, tit. 4; This Dict. tit. Ancient Lights; Easements; Ways; Lalaure, Des Servitudes, passim. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856....
NOTE: Property--Servitudes--Louisiana Civil Code Article 727 and the Act-of-Man TestAs one writer observed, the cited passage was mistakenly attributed to Aubry & Rau in bothOgborn and Broussard. 40 Tul. L. R...
At the same time the author underlines that the servitude appointed in accordance with article 124 of this Law is one form of expropriation and cannot be identified with the transmission servitude regulated in the Civil Code. Enacting this institution to the Civil Code should be evaluated ...
We shall focus on the servitudes' characteristics, as they are emphasized in the Swiss Civil Code, the case study we shall mention being the reflection of the way entire cities seem to be in an incessant renewal process, which allows them to survive, despite the...