God's allowance of servitude under Shishak serves as a lesson in the consequences of turning away from Him. It is a reminder that our choices have spiritual and practical repercussions.The Nature of True ServiceServing God is fundamentally different from serving earthly powers. God's service is ...
The youth leaders had learned a valuable lesson: An important key to leadership is thinking beyond the problem to the solution. As Spiritual Leaders, we go to God for the solution. He will supply it as we ask for HIS agenda. Let’s look at some roles and responsibilities of a Spiritual...
Contemplatio – the silent part. One can read again the passage or move right into this time of silence. It is in this part of the cycle, that we let go of the words and simply sit, as much as possible, clearing the mind and the heart, to simply rest in God’s Presence. Just s...
Contemplatio – the silent part. One can read again the passage or move right into this time of silence. It is in this part of the cycle, that we let go of the words and simply sit, as much as possible, clearing the mind and the heart, to simply rest in God’s Presence. Just s...
As soon as we were finished with our presentations, we packed up and raced back home, our current home. School and daily life always come too quickly when we spend the weekends away from home. Since these three weeks of travel, we have enjoyed more downtime. In fact, we don’t have ...
but also the joys of caring for one another in the midst of poverty and living the Gospel call of true solidarity. We received a glimpse at the face of Christ by playing soccer in the streets with children and visiting a hospital for people with Hansen’s disease (once known as Leprosy)...
Hope Academy students courageously develop their Christ-like identity, cultivate their unique gifts, and engage as active learners within an authentic community. HOPE ACADEMY A University-Model® K-12 School Serving the Greater Charlotte Area
Lesson from Paul Paul, as a sent-one (or apostle) of Jesus had one goal – transformation of people into a relationship with Jesus. In this, he took on the role of a servant as well, even defining what this means: Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, ...
It can even be used by catechists in traditional classrooms as a resource of creative teaching techniques for students who have ADD/ ADHD or mild learning disabilities. Catechists today are challenged to be mindful of advances in education on the subject of those with disabilities. These students ...
there were always a few within each class that stood out as having an especially sensitive heart. In their own way, they inspired others they met, even in the classroom. Gracie has a tender heart and is always willing to do something to help others. It’s this heart that makes this sto...