1、在安装光盘(I386)里找到spoolsv.ex_使用expand.exe这个命令展开得到spoolsv.exe这个文件(具体的展开命令是:在doc命令提示符下expand spoolsv.ex_ spoolsv.exe(为了方便可以把spoolsv.ex_复制到c盘根目录下))2、把spoolsv.exe复制到C:\WINDOWS\system32\下,再启动Print Spooler这个服务。7.在服务...
Now scroll up and go to “Function Discovery Provider Host” – right-click and select properties – Change the startup type to “manual” and start the service. Repeat the same exercise on “Function Discovery Resource Publication” as well Windows image acquisi...
windows无法启动print spooler服务怎么办 打开开始菜单,找到运行选项,点击打开,输入services.msc命令,点击确定,找到print spooler服务,右键点击选择属性选项,进入属性对话框,点击上方依存关系,在依存关系栏里找到print spooler服务所依赖的相关服务rpc。#科技#win#无法#解决#Win ...
开始启动菜单——所有程序——附件——运行,运行services.msc,在服务里查看有Print Spooler服务,如果没有,检查C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe是否存在,如果不存在,去其他人电脑中拷贝一个过来,连同涉及的注册表信息(在别人电脑中运行regedit,选定到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\...
By way of example, we will present the commands that would be required to start and stop the spooler service, thereby enabling and disabling print spooling on a workstation.C:\>net start spooler The Spooler service is starting. The Spooler service was started successfully. C:\>net stop ...
print spooler servicesp 这个服务关了吧,右键我的电脑,管理,服务和应用程,在服务里找到那打印的服务开启就是了
If you stop this service, these management services are unable to function properly and any services that explicitly depend on it are unable to start. Installation Always installed Startup type Automatic Recommendation No guidance Comments None Data Sharing Service Expand table NameDescription Service ...
If you stop this service, these management services are unable to function properly and any services that explicitly depend on it are unable to start. Installation Always installed Startup type Automatic Recommendation No guidance Comments None Data Sharing Service Expand tab...