services: proxy: image: nginx volumes: - type: bind source: ./proxy/nginx.conf target: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf read_only: true ports: - 80:80 depends_on: - backend backend: build: context: backend target: builder For more example Compose files, explore the Awesome Compose samples...
对于“unsupported config option for services.nginx: 'volumes_from'”错误的解答 1. 解释'volumes_from'为何不被支持 在Docker Compose的配置文件中,volumes_from 选项用于共享一个或多个容器的数据卷。然而,从Docker Compose的某些版本开始,volumes_from 已被弃用,因为它在容器编排和管理方面带来了复杂性。Docker官...
What happened: Hi, I have a pod with rsyslog running as a central logging system, and i need that the logs that arrive at my rsyslog pod from external network arrive with the original source ip address, but i have not been able to make i...
Some services are very narrow in use case, not mature, are overly opinionated, or have limitations, so building your own solution may be better. We try to give a sense for this by breaking products into categories. Must-know infrastructure: Most typical small to medium-size users will focus...
When a pod starts, after the network and volumes are initialized, the init containers are started in order. Each init container must exit successfully before the next is invoked. If an init container fails to start (due to the runtime) or exits with failure, it is retried according to t...
When should I define a preferred instance list for EC2 and Auto Scaling group recommendations? Can I apply recommendation preferences to a group of workloads? RecommendationsOpen all How many recommended options does AWS Compute Optimizer deliver for each AWS resource? Does AWS Compute Optimizer delive...
so the work will be rescheduled to another node with enough memory), so the data saved on the node is easy to lose, It means that MongoDB data is unstable. In the next article, we will discuss data persistence issues and how to use Kubernetes persistent volumes to safely store our persi...
nginxapp:image:nginxrestart:always To enable a custom system service from the file location, the command must indicate the file location if saved in RancherOS. If the file is saved at a http(s) url, just use the http(s) url when enabling/disabling. ...
I want to keep my nginx Docker image file as simple as possible and leave the “configuration” part for docker-compose.yml so I don’t build source code into image, I would use “volumes” in docker-compose.yml. I can also use “volumes” to map nginx and php-fpm config ...
If you create a connected data asset with personal credentials, other users must use the following workaround in order to use the connected data asset in Data Refinery. Workaround: Go to the project page, and click the link for the connected data asset to open the preview. ...