services.db.volumes 是Docker Compose 配置文件中的一个配置项,用于指定服务 db 使用的数据卷。在 Docker Compose 中,volumes 属性需要被定义为一个列表,以便能够灵活地管理多个数据卷。 1. services.db.volumes 的含义及其在配置中的角色 services.db.volumes 用于指定服务 db 需要挂载的数据卷。数据卷是 Docker ...
driver: weave volumes: db-data: Whenever I try to deploy a stack withdocker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml VotingApp, I am gettingservices.db.volumes must be a list. I don't know whether this is an error or warning. But I am unable to proceed further. Need your help...
version: '3.1' services: web: image: wordpress ports: - 8080:80 secrets: my-pw: external: true environment: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: mysql WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/my-pw networks: - my-network depends_on: - mysql deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 3 restart_policy: condition: ...
services.db.volumes ‘type’ is a required property Mosh doesn’t get any error in the video and I did the same thing as him. Also I am using docker-compose version 1.29.2. Thanks for any help. When adding the line: "volume: ./backend:/app" in the docker-compose.yml file the bac...
The credential_spec must be in the format file://<filename> or registry://<value-name>. credential_spec: file: my-credential-spec.json When using registry:, the credential spec is read from the Windows registry on the daemon's host. A registry value with the given name must be located...
volumes: f:logs: .: f:volumes: Manager: OpenAPI-Generator Operation: Update Time: 2021-10-22T22:37:51Z API Version: Fields Type: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: f:IsValid: f:status: .: f:lastUpdateTime: f:logSearchDashboard: f:metricsDashboard: f:observed...
at least one of the capacity providers must have a weight value greater than zero and any capacity providers with a weight of0can't be used to place tasks. If you specify multiple capacity providers in a strategy that all have a weight of0, anyRunTaskorCreateServiceactions using the capaci...
Value can be list of strings that contain datastore names. discoveryType string A value indicating the discovery type of the machine. Value can be vCenter or physical. diskResized string A value indicating whether any disk is resized for this VM. enableRdpOnTargetOption string The ...
Using the must-complete function (ENQ/DEQ) Characteristics of the must-complete function Programming notes Shared direct access storage devices (shared DASD) Volume/device status Volume handling Macros used with shared DASD (RESERVE, EXTRACT, GETDSAB) Releasing devices Preventing interlocks ...
I found a similar unsolved discussion:"must be a string" error when running docker compose[1]. To resolve the error "services.db.env_file.0 must be a string" in thedocker-compose.ymlfile, you need to change theenv_fileentries from objects to strings. Theenv_fileshould be a list of ...