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6 January 2025 – It has come to our attention that some companies in our countries (most recently from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia) have received unauthorised fraudulent emails falsely claiming to originate from Kinstellar. This appears to be part of an illegal scam (fraudulent imp...
Number of public pension funds in different regions worldwide 2023 Average growth rate of the largest pension markets worldwide 2023 Pension funds net investment rate of return in European countries 2022 Further Content:You might find this interesting as well ...
APAC, Australia/New Zealand, and India The APAC region has also seen a great deal of shared services activity in the past two years. Ongoing global economic struggles have prompted some companies to transfer their shared services operations from Europe and/or the United States to lower-cost ...
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type of medical insurance, marital status, city level, number of own children, parents, situation, whether living alone or not, willingness to seek care, presence of chronic diseases, receiving a pension, whether receiving financial support from children, and whether receiving financial support from...
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Financial services registered a 13 per cent increase in the value of FDI projects in 2011 reaching US$80 billion, though still 50 per cent below the pre-crisis average (2005-2007). FDI projects 212 Economic Survey 2012-13 in banking remained subdued in the wake ... This legal form is used by foreign managers and directors as a platform to render their services for Polish companies. 国外的经理人员和董事采用这种组织形式作 为一个平台,为波兰的公司提供服务。 [...] opportunity to understand better the struct...
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