See Cisco Security Advisory for details: 8.8-1.0.4467 October 13, 2017 Fixed issue where join notification (OBTP) does not appear for forwarded meetings or for meetings where a recipient has been ...
Australia CAB-AC-16A-SG-AZ 14 ft (4.26 m) 16A, 250 VAC Brazil CAB-AC-16A-SG-BR 14 ft (4.26 m) 16A, 250 VAC China CAB-AC-16A-SG-CH 14 ft (4.26 m) 16A, 250 VAC Europe CAB-AC-16A-SG-EU 14 ft (4.26 m) 16A, 250 ...
Australia (2011–2014). A 12-month practice change intervention was sequentially implemented in each group. Outcome data were collected continuously via telephone interviews with a random sample of clients over a 3-year period, from 6 months pre-intervention in the first group...
In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), Melbourne, Australia, 10–13 May 2021; pp. 668–675. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Heiler, S. Semantic interoperability. ACM Comput. Surv. (CSUR) 1995, 27, 271–273. [...
[24]. In addition, initial acceptance research has been conducted on shared mobility in general, for instance in Australia [25] and in five European cities [26], but also in the specific examples of young riders [27], ride pooling [28], car sharing [29,30], and e-scooters [31,32,...
This is a repo for cognitive services REST API samples in 4 languages: C#, Java, Node.js, and Python. - cognitive-services-REST-api-samples/Tutorials/BingNewsSearchApp.html at master · Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-REST-api-samples
As noted elsewhere, crack abuse or dependence is a form of psychoactive drug use for which few standard and commonly available treatment interventions exist [89–91]. However, even on this basis, little to none appear to be available to study participants in their respective Brazilian contexts. ...
and reduction of GHG emissions during the process of production to application of these nutrients in the form of chemical fertilizers, also have some value and need to be accounted for (Spangenberg and Settele2010). Hence, we have assigned value to these services. Rice holds a great cultural ...
xv Neil O'Connor is a z/OS Technical Consultant working for IBM Global Services in Australia. He has 30 years of experience in the mainframe operating systems field. His areas of expertise include systems programming, automated operations, and the deployment of standardized z/OS platforms, tools...
Country Revenue per Employee (in US$) All (Average) $79,667 Argentina $30,063 Australia $320,579 Austria $201,570 Belgium $74,427 Brazil $66,508 British Virgin Islands $34,474 Bulgaria $29,295 Cambodia $2,000 Cameroon $6,070 Canada $10,027 Chile $14,667 China $33,230 Croatia $...