使用REST API中的GET请求,访问ServiceNow的用户接口。具体的API路径可能是类似于/api/now/table/sys_user的形式。 在请求中,可以使用查询参数来过滤和排序结果。例如,可以使用sysparm_query参数来指定查询条件,使用sysparm_limit参数来限制返回的结果数量。 发送GET请求后,将会收到一个包含所有用户及其属性的JSON响应。
ThiscourseisforITprofessionals,ServiceNowadministrators,anddeveloperswhowouldliketogaingreatercontrolofServiceNowanditsarchitecturetodesignandcreateautomatedworkflows.YoushouldbefamiliarwithJavaScriptandbasiccomputingtechnologies,butyoucanbenewtoServiceNow. 加入书架 开始阅读 手机扫码读本书 ...
The integration uses ServiceNow REST API to post events to theem_eventtable. If you use custom Access Control Lists (ACL), make sure theevt_mgmt_integrationrole has write access to this table. Private Node Serverlocations support ServiceNow alerts starting from v. 2.1.4. ...
Add 'useraccount' as the OAuthScopethe Applications Manager will need to request the access the of the REST API resource. Enter theToken endpoint URLof the OAuth Provider. Eg:https://dev***.service-now.com/oauth_token.do SelectPost request bodyin theToken Request Methodfield. Add...
If your ServiceNow instance allows all users to perform REST API calls, providing the itil and the x_pd_integration.admin role should be sufficient. In the PagerDuty ID field, enter the 7-character user ID of the default PagerDuty user account (generated in step 3 of Create a Default ...
Doing multiplication with a scripted REST API Working inside the data center - introducing the MID server Integrating with the ECC queue Picking up jobs Installing the MID server Setting up the server Using the MID server Running a custom command Running JavaScript on the MID server Interacting wit...
If you are not seeing the executed actions translate back intoServiceNowand there are no errors in theServiceNoworJira Service Managementlogs, we will need to add in an additional two roles for the User. TheSOAPandRESTroles should also be added to give the User the appropriate access to make...
Assign thex_asana_asana.asana_integration_adminrole to the user. Ensure that the user also has he following three system roles: flow_designer: User should be able to create and edit flows to use Asana actions web_service_admin: User should be able to open Outbound Integrations Asana REST Me...
Step 4. Set up authentication for the API Verify that the person using the API has the appropriate roles. Usually, the user needs the proper table permissions or the rest_api_explorer role. To manage the user's roles, go to System Security > Roles. ...
tool. I am getting an error when trying to pull the data, "Connection to platform was not successful." I can view the tables. I've added in the Field Labels (Our Service Now Administrator provided the labels and field names) with commas between each, and left the rest of the info ...