Cloud Management - Cloud AccelerateContact Sales Benefits of Cloud AccelerateMigrate to the cloud with confidencePlan your cloud migration with in-depth visibility of your on-premises workloads and disposition strategy.Deliver cloud services quicklyEnable users to request cloud services seamlessly through an...
scale, and operate your cloud for enterprise transformationScale cloud transformation with ITOM Cloud AccelerateWebinarsHow to Accelerate Cloud Provisioning with Cloud Service CatalogTopicsWhat Is Cloud Management?What
データシート ServiceNow ® ITOM 最適化でクラウドコストを削減 ITOM Cloud Management Cloud Insights ホワイトペーパー クラウドファーストの世界で IT 運用を強化する DevOps に ServiceNow クラウドプロビジョニングとガバナンスが必要な理由 ...
Identity and Access Management Service Integration and Management (SIAM) Utilities Other Infrastructure and Instance IT Operations Management Cloud Insights Cloud Management Discovery Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns Event Management Operational Intelligence Service Mapping Other ITOM IT ...
ServiceNow这家公司提供的重点服务是ITSM(IT Service Management,IT服务管理)和ITOM(IT Operation Management,IT运维管理)的SaaS化业务,在美国成熟的IT市场中获得了大型企业用户对其IT运维产品的认可,在IT服务这个细分赛道中超越了传统IT运维服务提供商,成为了几百亿美元市值的SaaS明星公司。
深圳市行云绽放科技有限公司(以下简称“行云绽放”)是国内先行从事云计算管理平台和软件硏发的企业,公司致力于成为云计算管理领域(Cloud Management Platform)的领军型企业。 行云管家是业界领先的多云管理平台,已服务超10万家企业级客户,主要包括堡垒机、云管平台等产品,为您提供跨云厂商的云计算管理方案,是一个多云...
Founded in 2004, ServiceNow offers an intelligent, cloud-based platform and tools forautomating, managing and optimizing many enterprise processes, including the following: IT service management (ITSM). Customer service management. IT operations management (ITOM). ...
Cloud monitoring: A complex yet essential aspect of effective cloud management Level up with distributed tracing: Enhancing application performance with Applications Manager Top challenges of digitization and how network traffic analysis can help What is APM: Understanding the Basics of Application Perf...
ServiceNow是一家提供企业级云计算解决方案的公司,其提供了一套全面的IT服务管理(ITSM)和IT运营管理(ITOM)解决方案。 用户帐户生命周期在ServiceNow中可以通过以下几个阶段来描述: 注册阶段:用户在ServiceNow平台上创建帐户,提供必要的个人信息和凭据。在注册过程中,用户可以选择订阅不同的服务和功能,以满足其特定需求。
ThebookisaimedatSystemadministrators,IToperationsandITmanagerswhoplantoimplementServiceNowITOperationsManagementfortheirorganization.TheyhavenoknowledgeofServiceNowITOM. 目录(142章)倒序 封面 版权信息 Credits Disclaimer About the Author Acknowledgments About the Reviewers Customer Feed...