Methods inherited from DatasetadditionalProperties annotations description folder linkedServiceName parameters schema structure type validate withAdditionalProperties withAnnotations withDescription withFolder withLinkedServiceName withParameters withSchema withStructure ...
A client-side script is typically a list or form. This script usually runs in front of users. Besides, it doesn’t include any form submission. On the other hand, a server-side script runs behind the scenes once a form is submitted. This script uses the data stored in the ServiceNow d...
By getting just a smidge clever, we can call the.groupBy()API method multiple times, in combination with the.addAggregate()and.addHaving()methods, to accomplish our goal of identifying duplicate records with more than one field that are identical. Read on to learn more! If you got your S...
Methods inherited from DatasetadditionalProperties annotations description folder linkedServiceName parameters schema structure type validate withAdditionalProperties withAnnotations withDescription withFolder withLinkedServiceName withParameters withSchema withStructure ...
MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties MongoDbLinkedService MongoDbSource MongoDbV2CollectionDataset MongoDbV2LinkedService MongoDbV2Source MultiplePipelineTrigger MySqlLinkedService MySqlSource MySqlTableDataset NetezzaLinkedService NetezzaPartitionOption NetezzaPartitionSettings NetezzaSource NetezzaTableDataset NodeSize NodeSi...
public Object clientId() Get the clientId property: The client id for OAuth2 authentication. Returns: the clientId value.clientSecret public SecretBase clientSecret() Get the clientSecret property: The client secret for OAuth2 authentication. Returns: the clientSecret value.encrypted...
Client Script Date/Time Functions This post started out with me trying to compare glide date/time fields via client scripts, which can be a bear. Since gs. is not available in the client, I was forced to come up with other methods of manipulating these fields via a client script. Using...
ArraysArrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable. Each value (also called an element) in an array has an index, with the first element having an index of 0.Arrays come with many useful methods, such as .push(), .pop(), .shift(), .unshift(), and .splice()....
Subsequently,devise a client script, specifically an “onLoad” or “onChange” script, contingent upon the intended triggering event. Within the script, employ JavaScript to access the field element and govern its display property. To conceal the field, set the style.displaypropertyto”none”. ...
在client script获取当前页面URL参数 function onLoad() { var formType = getParmVal('sysparm_formType'); function getParmVal(name){ var url = document.URL.parseQuery(); if(url[name]){ return decodeURI(url[name]); } else{ return "";...