Service time服务时间 The service time object defines periods, when an service is scheduled to be up or down. It has the following properties.服务时间对象定义周期,当服务被调度为向上或向下时。它具有以下属性: Property参数 Tpe类型 Desription说明 ...
没有Service Instance, Service Application也用不了。Service Application包含有应用程序自己的数据和配置,并且对管理员提供配置服务的接口。service application之间是完全独立的。 SPIisWebServiceApplication:该类型实现了ISharedServiceApplication接口,并且使得一个Service Application可以通过topology service给publish出去。 Cli...
ServiceObject 属性 IsDirty IsNew Item[] Schema Service 方法 ServiceObjectPropertyDefinition ServiceObjectPropertyException ServiceObjectSchema ServiceObjectType ServiceRemoteException ServiceRequestException ServiceResponse ServiceResponseCollection<TResponse> ServiceResponseException ServiceResult ServiceValidationException ...
C# 复制 public static string NoProviderConfiguredFailedToResolveService (object? service); 参数 service Object 返回 String 适用于 产品版本 Entity Framework Core 3.0, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 在GitHub 上与我们协作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中...
A service proxy represents a service client that is installed in a server farm.An SPServiceProxy object is the parent of the SPServiceApplicationProxy object. It is the equivalent of an SPService object on the server side, which is the parent of an SPServiceApplication. These parent objects ...
If you have not already created a working POS for .NET Service Object, review the Service Object Samples: Getting Started sections.In addition, you will also need to include the code from the previous section, Introducing Service Object Reader Threads, into your project....
QueryServiceObjectSecurity 函式會擷取與服務對象相關聯的安全性描述元複本。 您也可以使用 GetNamedSecurityInfo 函式來擷取安全性描述元。語法C++ 複製 BOOL QueryServiceObjectSecurity( [in] SC_HANDLE hService, [in] SECURITY_INFORMATION dwSecurityInformation, [out, optional] PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR lpSecurityDes...
QueryServiceObjectSecurity函数检索与服务对象关联的安全描述符的副本。 还可以使用GetNamedSecurityInfo函数检索安全描述符。 语法 C++复制 BOOLQueryServiceObjectSecurity( [in] SC_HANDLE hService, [in] SECURITY_INFORMATION dwSecurityInformation, [out, optional] PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR lpSecurityDescriptor, [in] DWORD...
mysql> select * from leo; +---+---+---+---+---+ | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | AGE...
1.在Quick Find搜索Profiles,找到System Administrator 2.进入后,点击edit,找到我要添加的Object[Inventory Reservations]发现他的状态是Tab Hidden,说明因为权限的问题,该自定义Object被隐藏了。 3.将该状态修改为Default On,这样就能够在Service Console中显示了!