Release版本的程序通过命令行参数Service来注册服务,方便通过服务管理器进行管理。 相关的Windows API //打开服务控制管理器句柄 OpenSCManager //创建服务 CreateService //打开服务句柄 OpenService //控制服务的状态 ControlService //删除服务 DeleteService //关闭服务或者服务管理器的句柄 CloseServiceHandle 1. 2. 3....
You can easily remove a Windows service from the Windows registry using a simple command prompt command calledSC. SCis the command line utility which interacts with the Windows Service Controller and can be used to manage services on either a remote or local Windows machine. You will need to f...
Remove-Service[-InputObject <ServiceController>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Remove-Servicecmdlet 删除注册表和服务数据库中的 Windows 服务。 PowerShell 6.0 中引入了Remove-Servicecmdlet。 示例 示例1:删除服务 这会删除名为 TestService 的服务。
Meet the refreshingly simple, and remarkably effective uninstallers to thoroughly remove Windows & macOS apps. UninstallService Windows Uninstaller UninstallService Mac Uninstaller Get UninstallService Now The most cost-effective solutions built for complete app removal, and for everyone.One-time charge onl...
拿掉Windows 服務。 Syntax PowerShell Remove-Service[-Name] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Remove-Service[-InputObject <ServiceController>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Description Cmdlet 會Remove-Service移除登錄和服務資料庫中的 Windows...
如果你有任何疑问或遇到问题,请随时向我提问。祝你好运! journey title Removing MySQL Router Windows Service section Starting Stop Service: net stop MySQLRouter section Removing Remove Service: sc delete MySQLRouter section Finish Service Removed 33%67%StepsStop ServiceRemove Service...
Time Providers\Enable Windows NTP ServerW32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer 1Subkey:HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft 2Subkey:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time Note When you remove a Group Policy setting, Windows removes the corresponding entry from the policy area of the r...
Windows Update エージェント (WUA) からサービス登録を削除します。 構文 C++ HRESULTRemoveService( [in] BSTR serviceID ); パラメーター [in] serviceID 登録を解除するサービスの識別子。 戻り値 成功した場合は、S_OKを返します。 それ以外の場合は、COM または Windows エラー コー...
6 但是要注意,安装成功之后还是不可以使用的,需要在Windows的服务管理中启动MySQL,如图所示。7 此时,在执行MySQL的相关命令,就会提示成功了,如图所示。8 以上就是安装MySQL时提示“Install/Remove of the Service Denied”的解决办法,希望可以帮到大家。注意事项 如果本文帮到了你,希望可以给小编投票点赞。
Now type and execute the following command to uninstall Windows 7 Service Pack 1. wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:976932 Applies To: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 RC Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Beta One response to “How to Remove/Uninstall Windows 7 Service Pack 1 RC”...