Ip service-set TCP_10301 type object Service 0 protocol tcp destination-port 10301 Ip service-set TCP_10302 type object Service 0 protocol tcp destination-port 10302 Ip service-set TCP_10303 type object Service 0 protocol tcp destination-port 10303 Ip service-set TCP_8090 type object Service 0...
- port: 80#service的端口,暴露给k8s集群内部服务访问protocol: TCP targetPort: 80#pod容器中定义的端口selector: run: my-nginx#选择拥有run=my-nginx标签的pod 上述yaml文件将创建一个 Service,具有标签run=my-nginx的Pod,目标TCP端口 80,并且在一个抽象的Service端口(targetPort:容器接收流量的端口;port:抽象...
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nginx-service spec: type: NodePort selector: app: nginx ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 nodePort: 30007 3. K8s 里 Service 的实现原理 Kubernetes 提供了几种不同类型的 Service,包括: ClusterIP:这是最常见的 Service 类型,为 Service 提供一个集群...
Service Broker uses a broker-specific protocol to communicate with remote brokers. The broker manages connections separately from the normal pool of client connections. In order for two SQL Server instances to exchange Service Broker messages, each instance must be able to send TCP/IP traffic to ...
KnownSparkThriftTransportProtocol KnownSqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType KnownSqlConnectionType KnownSqlPartitionOption KnownSqlPoolReferenceType KnownSqlScriptType KnownSsisLogLocationType KnownSsisPackageLocationType KnownStoredProcedureParameterType KnownSybaseAuthenticationType KnownTeamDeskAuthenticationType KnownTeradataAuthen...
Name$probename-LoadBalancer$slb$slb|Add-AzLoadBalancerRuleConfig-Name$rulename-BackendAddressPool$slb.BackendAddressPools[0]-FrontendIpConfiguration$slb.FrontendIpConfigurations[0]-Probe$probe-ProtocolTcp-FrontendPort$port-BackendPort$port# Set the goal state for the load balancer$slb|Set-AzL...
Linkerd 能够代理所有 TCP 流量,包括 TLS 连接、WebSockets 和 HTTP 隧道。 大多数情况下,Linkerd 无需配置即可完成此操作。为此,Linkerd 执行protocol detection(协议检测)以确定 流量是 HTTP 还是 HTTP/2(包括 gRPC)。如果 Linkerd 检测到连接 是 HTTP 或 HTTP/2,Linkerd 将自动提供 HTTP 级别的指标(metrics)和...
protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 80 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 验证 创建完后,环境如下: # kubectl get pods -n zwf -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP demoapp-deployment-64bdcb8666-4prbk 1/1 Running 0 7d17h dmoc-fa163eee1e30 ...
SourceIP/port: Destination IP/port: DS-Lite tunnel peer: - VPN instance/VLAN ID/Inline ID: -/-/- Protocol: TCP(6) Inbound interface:GigabitEthernet1/0/1 Source security zone: Untrust Responder: Source IP/port: ...
protocol: TCP port:12000targetPort:12000 nodePort: 32000 查看pod信息: $ kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES ucsrv-deployment-f56cbbb54-7srhr1/1Running03m45s10.32.0.3wx <none> <none>ucsrv-deployment-f56cbbb54-wjmt71/1Running03m45s...