AzureService.ServiceName 属性参考 反馈 定义命名空间: Microsoft.Bot.Configuration 程序集: Microsoft.Bot.Configuration.dll 包: Microsoft.Bot.Configuration v4.22.7 获取或设置服务名称。 C# 复制 public string ServiceName { get; set; } 属性值 String 服务的名称。 适用于 产品版本 Microsoft.Bot....
Azure CLI In the Grafana UI: To create a service account token, selectAdd service account token. Use the automatically generatedDisplay nameor enter a name of your choice. By default, the expiration date is set to one day after its creation date. Optionally update the suggestedExpiration date...
在App Service 驗證中,您可以在 OAuth 登入保留 URL 片段。 若要這麼做,將稱為WEBSITE_AUTH_PRESERVE_URL_FRAGMENT的應用程式設定設為true。 您可以在Azure 入口網站中這麼做,也可以直接在Azure Cloud Shell中執行下列命令: Azure CLI az webapp config appsettings set--name<app_name>--resource-group<group_...
File Name: ServiceTags_Public_20250303.json File Size: 3.8 MB This file contains the IP address ranges for Public Azure as a whole, each Azure region within Public, and ranges for several Azure Services (Service Tags) such as Storage, SQL and AzureTrafficManager in Public. This file currentl...
File Name: ServiceTags_AzureGovernment_20250210.json File Size: 305.6 KB This file contains the IP address ranges for Public Azure as a whole, each Azure region within Public, and ranges for several Azure Services (Service Tags) such as Storage, SQL and AzureTrafficManager in Public. This fi...
AZURE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING_NAME:如果使用矢量搜索,则指定嵌入模型部署的名称。 数据类型: 文本 要粘贴到高级编辑 JSON 编辑器中的 JSON 为: JSON复制 {"name":"AZURE_SEARCH_CONTENT_COLUMNS","value":"","slotSetting":false}, {"name":"AZURE_SEARCH_ENABLE_IN_DOMAIN","value":"true","slotSetting":false...
Learn how to add an existing custom DNS domain name (vanity domain) to a web app, mobile app back end, or API app in Azure App Service.
Line #5 shows the domain name of the scale unit running awseomwebapp app. You’ll notice that an App Service scale unit is deployed on Azure Cloud Service (by the suffix). WAWS stands for Windows Azure (when Azure was still called Windows) Web sites (the original name of ...
You’ll notice that an App Service scale unit is deployed on Azure Cloud Service (by the suffix). WAWS stands for Windows Azure (when Azure was still called Windows) Web sites (the original name of App Service). Line #6 shows the VIP of the scale unit. All the ...