当遇到“docker service is not running”的问题时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认Docker服务状态 首先,需要确认Docker服务的当前状态。这可以通过在终端中运行以下命令来完成: bash sudo systemctl status docker 该命令将显示Docker服务的状态,包括是否正在运行、是否启用自动启动等。 2. 如果服务未运行,...
另外,在离线Windows系统上运行Docker Desktop时,可能会出现一些依赖服务或组无法启动的问题。这时可以尝试以管理员身份运行命令提示符(cmd),然后输入以下命令来启动Docker Desktop Service:services.msc在服务列表中找到并右键点击Docker Desktop Service,选择“启动”。此外,还可以尝试在终端中输入以下命令来检查Docker Machin...
If I start app using Docker from Visual Studio, I am able to access the GRPC service. Once I stop app from Visual Studio and start the container from Docker, container starts on same port without any issue but GRPC service is not accessible. ...
The issue: Docker service is not running and if I try to start its throwing below error: systemctl start docker “System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can’t operate.”, “Failed to connect to bus: Host is down” ...
docker安装踩坑,运行service docker start命令[OK]但是status状态仍然not running 首先必须添加 fstab 文件,因为由于某种原因不存在或无法读取: 1 touch/etc/fstab 由于网络控制器错误,所以要从nftables切换到iptables 1 2 update-alternatives --setiptables/usr/sbin/iptables-legacy...
Docker is not running but did not fail to install so I guess it didnt detect any missing prerequisite. Expected behavior Be able to rundocker run hello-world Information Windows Version: home 11 Docker Desktop Version: 20.10.24, build 297e128 ...
管理节点用于 Swarm 集群的管理,docker swarm 命令基本只能在管理节点执行(节点退出集群命令 docker swarm leave 可以在工作节点执行)。一个 Swarm 集群可以有多个管理节点,但只有一个管理节点可以成为 leader,leader 通过 raft 协议实现。 工作节点是任务执行节点,管理节点将服务 (service) ...
由于不同版本的Nginx重复安装,导致各种奇怪的问题发生,Nginx也无法启动,只好全部卸载nginx。 卸载命令 ...
The first step is to check the status of the Docker service on your system. Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command: systemctl status docker 1. If the Docker service is already running, you will see a message indicating its status. If it is not running, proceed ...
mariadb:10.6 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 20 hours ago Up 20 hours (healthy) 3306/tcp erp-db-1 redis:6.2-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 20 hours ago Up 20 hours 6379/tcp erp-redis-1 Still getting: service "backend" is not running container #1 ...