ClusterId String 動態 叢集的唯一標識碼。 這會在建立叢集時產生。 ConsumerInstances String 動態 DCA 取用者實例的清單。 DiskFullSafetySpaceInMB Int,預設值為 1024 動態 以MB 為單位的剩餘磁碟空間,以防止 DCA 使用。 EnableCircularTraceSession 布爾值,預設值為 false Static 旗標指出是否應該使用循環追蹤會話...
Project ID on the Portal. After a token is obtained, the X-Auth-Token header field must be added to requests to specify the token when other APIs are called. For example, if the token is ABCDEFJ..., add X-Auth-Token: ABCDEFJ... in a request as follows: GET...
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } } } } If all data required for the API request is available, you can send the request to call an API through curl, Postman, or coding. For the API used to obtain a user token, the value of the X-Subject-Token field in the response header is the de...
N6vtuds5.rtf Not applicable 364,521 19-Feb-2014 18:29 Not applicable P2yeezb7.rtf Not applicable 156,940 19-Feb-2014 18:29 Not applicable Rw7fpdtx.rtf Not applicable 345,354 19-Feb-2014 18:29 Not applicable Xektv...
N6vtuds5.rtf Not applicable 364,521 19-Feb-2014 18:29 Not applicable P2yeezb7.rtf Not applicable 156,940 19-Feb-2014 18:29 Not applicable Rw7fpdtx.rtf Not applicable 345,354 19-Feb-2014 18:29 Not applicable Xektv...
N6vtuds5.rtf Not applicable 394 070 11-Feb-2012 00:27 Not applicable P2yeezb7.rtf Not applicable 188 388 11-Feb-2012 00:27 Not applicable Rw7fpdtx.rtf Not applicable 376 533 11-Feb-2012 00:2...
已知Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1 存有安全性問題,可能會讓攻擊者得以侵入您的系統,並取得其控制權。只要安裝這個 Microsoft 發行的更新,即可保護您的電腦。安裝此項目之後,可能必須將電腦重新開機。 摘要 Microsoft 已經發行資訊安全佈告...
ClusterId String 動態 叢集的唯一標識碼。 這會在建立叢集時產生。 ConsumerInstances String 動態 DCA 取用者實例的清單。 DiskFull 保管庫 tySpaceInMB Int,預設值為 1024 動態 以MB 為單位的剩餘磁碟空間,以防止 DCA 使用。 EnableCircularTraceSession 布爾值,預設值為 false Static 旗標指出是否應該使用循環...
RunInStandaloneMode bool, standardvärdet är FALSE Statisk RunInStandaloneMode för ManagedIdentityTokenService. FriståendePrincipalId wstring är standardvärdet "" Statisk StandalonePrincipalId för ManagedIdentityTokenService. FriståendeSendX509 bool, standardvärdet är FALSE Statisk ...
"module_loader/test/uds_server_test.cpp", "module_loader/test/watchdog_task_test.cpp", "monitor/test/event_monitor_handler_test.cpp", "mouse_event_normalize/test/mouse_device_state_test.cpp", "mouse_event_normalize/test/mouse_event_normalize_test.cpp", "mouse_event_norma...