Azure.ResourceManager.ServiceFabricManagedClusters v1.0.1 按环境获取有关可用 Service Fabric 群集代码版本的信息。 请求路径/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceFabric/locations/{location}/environments/{environment}/managedClusterVersions/{...
可以使用 Azure REST API 列出可用于指定位置和订阅的所有可用的 Service Fabric 运行时版本 (clusterVersions)。还可以参考 Service Fabric 版本,了解有关支持的版本和操作系统的更多详细信息。REST 复制 GET https://<endpoint>/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceFabric/locations/{{...
clusterCodeVersion 群集的 Service Fabric 运行时版本。 仅当 upgradeMode 设置为“Manual”时,此属性才能设置用户。 若要获取新群集的可用 Service Fabric 版本列表,请使用 ClusterVersion API。 若要获取现有群集的可用版本列表,请使用 availableClusterVersions。 字符串 diagnosticsStorageAccountConfig 用于存储 Service...
Service Fabric 托管群集, 使用Key Vault中证书,把证书导入到本地安装后,使用该证书的 Thumbprint 作为指令 Connect-ServiceFabricCluster 的 ServerCertThumbprint 和FindValue 的值。结果连接失败,错误消息为: Connect-ServiceFabricCluster FABRIC_E_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: CertificateNotMatched 问题解答 根据错误消...
To report issues related to your Service Fabric cluster running on Azure, open a support ticket on the Azure portal or Microsoft support portal.Learn more about:Azure support options. Microsoft premier support.Nota Clusters running on a bronze reliability tier or Single Node Cluster will allow you... 按步解释,他需要对SF进行如下操作: 1. 上传SF Application的package 2. 注册Application type 3. 命令SF升级 从顺序而言,SF的各个系统服务是这样工作的 1. 上传SF package,SF Image Store Service会将package储存至本地...
5.Deploy to Azure or to on-premises clouds running Windows Server or Linux with zero code changes. Write once and then deploy anywhere to any Service Fabric cluster. 5.无需为切换 Azure 或私有云、或 Windows 或 Linux部署而写代码。写代码一次,可部署到任何Service Fabric群集。
$ cd $GOPATH/src/ $ make 1.3.1. Special make targets There is no need to fetch the dependencies, or re-generate code every time you want to compile. That’s why we offer specialmaketargets for these topics: ...
Time by time, when you use Service Fabric cluster, the cluster may meet different issues and in the reported error/warning message, it’s marked...
As the IPv4 addresses are already exhausted, more and more service providers and website hosts start using the IPv6 address on their server. Although the...