GM patented its own electronic stability control (ESC) system, known as StabiliTrak. This ESC system is designed to stop wheels from slipping by reducing engine power during low-traction situations. However, other auto manufacturers have a similar system with a different name. Even though there wo...
users with care services, which may suggest that women in our study’s local contexts find these services more accessible or useful for their needs (even though most services were utilized by less than half of women, meaning that the majority of women did not access any of these services)....
With this meaning eFAST is a filter to (maybe tem‑ porarily) exclude (very few) patients from CT-scanning because of reasons where the time effort of CT is expected to lead to higher mortality. Such findings in unstable patients may be tension pneumothorax, pericardial tamponade, massive ...
Sense making in a service ecosystem is "highly selective and enables the individual to impose structure and meaning onto the vast array of incoming stimuli" [67] (p. 355). The process involves creating a coherent account of the service ecosystem by categorizing activities, interactions, relations...
5.25..C2.oCnostnrsutrcuticntignSgeSceucruirtiytyananddPPrirvivaaccyyPPoolliicciieess AsAws ewceacnansesee,eF, iFgiugurere66ggiviveessaannoovveerrvviieeww ooff tthhee sseelleeccttiioonncchhaaininoof fsesceucurirtyitymmecehcahnaisnmissmtshatht at concosntisttuittuetae saesceucruirtyit...
This means that some quality term constraints of the service request are respected but others are not; and (iv) failed: the service supplies solutions that are totally unacceptable by the service request, meaning that each quality term constraint in the service request is not satisfied/respected....
Moreover, this modifying process can even result in negative values in matrices with no physical meaning. The other is iterative method by modifying the selected parameters after analysis of sensitivity like material module, density, moment of inertia, area of section, etc. This updating technique ...
Classic Lexicographical Analysis resulted in 18 texts, meaning that the 18 interviews were read by the software. It also found 12,068 words, 1338 active and supplementary forms, 625 hapax (words found only once in the corpus and without significant value), and a mean of 670.44 tokens per tex...
Participatory in approach to data capture and use to Incluseinvseuirnesccoompemtuonciotvyesruapllptoernt.ure and all land. Flexible in capturing spatial and non-spatial land and climate change data. Adapted to MCAS Inclusive of all types of land tenure that are relevant to ComFclmliemxuia...
otspwoceraionrppgrlilaeemydwewosasulikatthg, ierncehs"atiIlpodaurrmbepnllias.cyuJprawelzaimtcthheia,nctthhpitlehuditcrseetnhnw.etirJlaEal zlmbmseqoinutgiaoopronued-tBo"t.frhaCeTchuEeelemertEontomainovonata-icBonanrdaC-Bcpiertolayesc.tteIeolnednttthhies following message "I am sure that ...