当您在Linux系统中遇到“service does not support chkconfig”的错误时,这通常意味着您尝试将一个服务添加到系统的启动管理中,但该服务的启动脚本没有正确配置以支持chkconfig命令。以下是针对这一问题的详细解答: 1. 确认服务是否确实不支持chkconfig 当您尝试使用chkconfig --add <service_name>命令将服务...
在Linux系统中,chkconfig是一个用于管理系统服务启动的工具,通过chkconfig,我们可以设置系统在不同运行级别下启动或停止某个服务,在使用chkconfig添加服务时,有时会遇到错误提示“service memcached does not support chkconfig”,这个错误表示memcached服务不支持使用chkconfig进行管理。 (图片来源网络,侵删) 我们需要了解...
service redis_auto does not support chkconfig 如何处理“service redis_auto does not support chkconfig”错误 在软件开发过程中,使用不同的服务管理工具是一项重要的技能。Redis 是一个流行的开源内存数据存储,而在某些Linux发行版中,使用chkconfig命令来管理服务可能会遇到“service redis_auto does not support c...
Service mqipt is not able to enable at boot. Raw systemctl enable mqipt.service Synchronizing state of mqipt.service with SysV service script with /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install. Executing: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable mqipt service mqipt does not support chkconfig Envi...
命令:chkconfig --del network 删除自定义服务 命令:chkconfig --add network 增加自定义服务 Linux系统服务管理-systemd(CentOS7) 一个service属于一种类型的unit 多个unit组成了一个target 一个target里面包含了多个service 命令:systemctl list-units --all --type=service 把service类型的服务列出来 ...
SysVinit 的 Tomcat 启动脚本(/etc/init.d/tomcat8.sh): #!/bin/bash# description: Tomcat Start Stop Restart# processname: tomcat# chkconfig: 234 20 80CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcatcase$1in start)sh$CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh;;stop)sh$CATALINA_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh;;restart)sh$CATALINA...
chkconfig cloud-init-local on; chkconfig cloud-init on; chkconfig cloud-config on; chkconfig cloud-final on service cloud-init-local status; service cloud-init status; service cloud-config status; service cloud-final status If the OS uses Systemd to manage automatic start of services, run th...
Bitbucket Server is launched automatically on system startup and does not require that a user be logged in. Users are not able to stop, start, or otherwise tamper with Bitbucket Server unless they are an administrator. Can provide advanced failover, error recovery, and analysis features t...
Using a systemd unit file Thanks to Patrick Nelson for calling out this approach, which he set up for a Fedora system. It also works on other distributions that use systemd as the init system. This approach does not restart Bitbucket Server if it stops by itself. Create a bitbucket....
cd /etc/rc.d/init.d chkconfig --add inotify.sh chkconfig inotify.sh 注意! 你直接把你的平时写的加的脚本这样chkconfig --add 肯定是要报service inotify.sh does not support chkconfig 错误的,不过你只需要在#!/bin/bash下面加上如下内容就行。