docker安装踩坑,运行service docker start命令[OK]但是status状态仍然not running 首先必须添加 fstab 文件,因为由于某种原因不存在或无法读取: 1 touch/etc/fstab 由于网络控制器错误,所以要从nftables切换到iptables 1 2 update-alternatives --setiptables/usr/sbin/iptables-legacy update-alternatives --setip6tables...
shubham@acer:~/Desktop/frappe_docker$ docker compose exec backend bench new-site --mariadb-root-password admin@123 --admin-password admin@123 service "backend" is not running container #1 shubham@acer:~/Desktop/frappe_docker$ docker compose ps ~/gitops/docker-compose.yml no such...
环境:Win 10 企业版, 版本号: 1909 问题描述: 安装docker desktop, 经过一次关机以及系统升级之后,docker desktop 无法启动。如下图,点击Start之后会闪退。 在terminal下, C:\Users\xx>docker version Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: &n... ...
In the Activity Bar, select the Docker logo. In the REGISTRIES explorer, verify that the container registry you created appears. Check prerequisites Verify that Docker is installed and running. The following command displays the Docker version if it's running. Bash Copy docker --version Create...
command: start enable: true content: |- [Unit] Description=ES Seed Author=Living Requires=living-es.service After=es.service [Service] User=core Type=oneshot ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker stop es-seed ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm es-seed ...
docker build -t language-frontend -t . 若要追蹤容器登錄庫的版本,請將標記加入版本格式,例如 v1。 將映像推送至容器登錄。 這可能需要數分鐘的時間。 主控台 複製 docker push 如果您收到 unauthorized: au...
$ docker service update --image redis:7.4.1 redis redis The scheduler applies rolling updates as follows by default: Stop the first task. Schedule update for the stopped task. Start the container for the updated task. If the update to a task returns RUNNING, wait for the specified delay ...
--docker-server: the address of the Docker registry. --docker-username: the username of the Docker registry. --docker-password: the password of the Docker registry. Optional:--docker-email: the email address. You can pull the private image by using one of the following methods: ...
and contains of are #!/bin/bash <some config changes> /opt/kairosdb/bin/ run But when I start container with docker run -d kairosdb it doesn't run as a service, container exists immediately. anyone know whats wrong here ? docker containers dockerfile kairosd...
I get the following error on restarting the cloudera management service in a docker container:quickstart:latest, i had restarted after an error showed service monitor not running: Mar 15, 8:45:43.760 AM ERROR com.cloudera.cmon.firehose.Main Failed to start Firehose Unknown ...