使用您要建立的 ECS 服務的內容,建立名為 ecs-service-discovery.json 的檔案。此範例使用上個步驟中建立的任務定義。需要 awsvpcConfiguration,因為任務定義範例使用 awsvpc 網路模式。 當您建立 ECS 服務時,指定 Fargate 啟動類型以及 LATEST 支援服務探索的平台版本。在 AWS Cloud Map 中建立服務探索服務時,regist...
Service_Discovery_Using_DNS_Base.template Creates a VPC with two subnets, route tables, Internet gateway, and security groups Creates IAM roles Creates an ECS cluster Creates an Auto Scaling group and launches the configuration for the ECS cluster Creates an Amazon Route 53 private hosted zone Ins...
Service Discovery verwendet AWS Cloud Map API-Aktionen, um HTTP- und DNS-Namespaces für Ihre Amazon ECS-Services zu verwalten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Was ist AWS Cloud Map? im AWS Cloud Map -Entwicklerhandbuch. Service Discovery ist in den folgenden Regionen verfügbar: AWS ...
One limitation of Amazon ECS Anywhere is the lack of native support for load balancing and service discovery. This limitation restricts the use case of deploying customer-facing applications with Amazon ECS Anywhere and dynamically scaling the workload similar to what is possible on AWS. W...
Also, we need some preparation for usingecs-cli: $ ecs-cli configure profile --profile-name ecs-fargate-svs-discovery-profile --access-key $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret-key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY $ ecs-cli configure --cluster my-flask-cluster --region us-east-1 --default-launch-type FA...
AWS_REGION ?= us-west-2 SSM_PARAMETER = "/aws/service/appmesh/envoy" IMAGE_STRING = $(shell aws --region $(AWS_REGION) ssm get-parameter --name $(SSM_PARAMETER) --query Parameter.Value) ECR = $(shell echo $(IMAGE_STRING) | cut -d / -f 1) IMAGE_NAME ?= "ecs-service-connec...
AWSCloud TencentCloud AliCloud ak Yes String AK information of other clouds. sk Yes String SK information of other clouds. db_source Yes String Source of the source database. The value can be: aws_aurora_mysql: Amazon Aurora MySQL. tencent_tdsql_c: Tencent Cloud TDSQL-C MySQL. ali_rds_...
While Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) is a native infrastructure-as-code (IaC) service provided by Alibaba Cloud, it also supports the integration of Terraform templates. By using Terraform with ROS, you can define and manage resources in Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS...
Pricing.Amazon uses a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) model for its AWS cloud resources. The formulas used to calculateusage costs are complex, but Amazon offers a pricingcalculatorthat can help determine overall costs. Amazon also makes some of its cloud resources available in a free tier. These resou...
The Amazon ECS Service Connect Agent supports using a few environment variables to alter some aspects of the Envoy's behavior. These variables are outlined below, and documented in the AWS App MeshUser Guide. These environment variables can be configured when used with AWS App Mesh, and they ...