First included in: Tax/TaxServiceAccountingCodeEntity (this entity)Properties展開資料表 NameValue dataFormat string isNullable trueTraitsList of traits for the SAC attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is.dataFormat.array is.nullable The attribu...
DISCLAIMER:This is strictly my personal opinion. The above discussion cannot be considered as our professional or legal advice. Users shall consider legal provisions or take advice from experts before taking action on it. Published by CA Amit Harkhani ...
First included in: Tax/TaxServiceAccountingCodeEntity (this entity)Properties展开表 NameValue dataFormat string isNullable trueTraitsList of traits for the SAC attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is.dataFormat.array is.nullable The attribute val...
Different GST Group and HSN/SAC Codes in Advance Payment and Invoices Note: The details published in ATA report for adjustment of adjustment scenario is not handled in this release, this will be delivered in upcoming releases. Calculating GST with ARN...
HSN/SAC Specifies the HSN/SAC code. GST Group Code Specifies the GST group code. From State Specifies the vendor state code. Location State Code Specifies the location state code. Date From Specifies the starting date. Date To Specifies the ending date. SGST % Specifies the SGST rate. CGS...
Rate of GST is defined in combination of HSN/SAC, group and states.Choose the icon, enter Tax Type -> GST -> Action -> Tax Rates, and then choose the related link. Fill in the fields as described in the following table. 展开表 FieldDescription HSN/SAC Specifies the HSN/SAC code. ...
HSN/SAC Specifies the HSN/SAC code. GST Group Code Specifies the GST group code. From State Specifies the vendor state code. Location State Code Specifies the location state code. Date From Specifies the starting date. Date To Specifies the ending date. SGST % Specifies the SGST rate. CGST...