;importjava.util.Arrays;importjava.util.List;;publicclassGoogleOAuth2ServiceAccountSample{/** OAuth 2.0 scopes. 重要,规范访问者的查看范围*/privatestaticfinalList<String>SCOPES=Arrays.asList("
Overview Solutions
Overview Solutions
复制 classGooglePhotosApi:def__init__(self):self.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE=(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+"/service_account.json")self.SCOPES=["","","
Google Service Account是Google Cloud Platform(GCP)中的一种身份验证机制,用于通过REST API访问GCP资源。它是一个虚拟账户,可以代表应用程序或服务与GCP进行通信。 Google Service Account的主要特点包括: 身份验证:使用服务账号密钥(Service Account Key)进行身份验证,确保只有授权的应用程序可以访问GCP资源。 无需用户...
A Google service account is a special kind of GCP account used by an application. You can use a Google service account to make authorized GCP REST API calls from an application (after the service account is given access permissions through IAM role configuration). When an application makes call...
JustinBeckwithaddedtype: questionand removedquestionlabels I got a service account working with the gmail api I followed this tutorial for the google console and google admin portion:
Obtaining API Authorization from the Server Obtaining API Authorization from the Client Android SDK Version Change History Development Process Integrating SDKs Sign-in Mobile Number Email Address HUAWEI ID Huawei GameCenter Account WeChat Account Weibo Account QQ Account Ali...
Imports Limilabs.Client.Authentication.Google Imports Limilabs.Client.IMAP Google Cloud First you need to visit Google Cloud Console and create a project: Now create a new service account: Add a service name and remember an email address assigned to your service: Then you need to create a privat...
Учетнаязаписьвызывающейслужбыдолжнабытьполученапутемвызова Enterprises.GetServiceAccount идолжнабытьустановлена в качествеучетнойзаписислужбыпред...