HPE DL580 Gen9到家了,成功开机! 奇怪的知识又学到了:服务器的序列号、产品ID和UUID不见了怎么办? RAID阵列的磁盘顺序能否调整?RAID重建需要多久? 如何操作RAID 0阵列的扩容? 如何操作RAID 5阵列的扩容? 快速定制VMware ESXi 8.0U2并部署到DL580 Gen9 将OpenWrt 23.05.3部署到VMware ESXi CentOS配置LNS和VSR...
vendor “HPE"product “MSA 1060 iSCSI"path_grouping_policy “group_by_prio"prio “alua"path_selector “round-robin 0"failback “immediate"no_path_retry 18} Duplicate LUNs would appear if multipath is not configured.You may wait for any inputs from other storage consultants with Linux ...
Re: 2 server with the same UUID Hello,to change the UUID you need to change the settings in the registry. It may be the key HLM\Software\Compaq Insight Agent\hostGUID where the key hostGUID must be deleted. The Server-ID is normaly build when the agents are installed. Using...
Physical or virtual UUIDs (universally unique identifiers), MAC (Media Access Control) addresses and WWN (World Wide Name) addresses. Relationship to other resources A server profile is associated with the following resources in the resource summary diagram: Zero or one server profile template. Zero...
HPE_Aruba...OK ~ HPE_Aruba is EAP-TLS SSID looking for certs...OK ~ Set staged private key (ConsolePi8.key) permissions (600)...OK ~ stage NetworkManager profile wadelab-ovpn-split...OK ~ stage NetworkManager profile zipline...OK ~ chown/chmod pre-staged profiles......
continuation-local-storage "^3.2.1" log-driver "^1.2.7" semver "^5.5.0" shimmer "^1.2.0" uuid "^3.2.1" "@opencensus/propagation-b3@0.0.8": version "0.0.8" resolved "https://registry.npmmirror.com/@opencensus/propagation-b3/-/propagation-b3-0.0.8.tgz#0751e6fd75f09400d9d3c41...
VMware vCenter Server 8.0 Update 3 Release Notes Last Updated March 4, 2025 This document contains the following sections Introduction General Availability What's New Earlier Releases of vCenter Server 8.0 Product Support Notices Patches Contained in This Release Resolved Issues Known Issues Known ...
quota-tools: Added support for HPE XFS. 5.8 Kernel # Also see the following: Appendix A, Kernel parameter changes 5.8.1 Unprivileged eBPF usage has been disabled # A large amount of security issues was found and fixed in the Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) code. To reduce the attack...
拓扑如下:需要注意的事打开CPU虚拟化,配置4核以上CPU,配置32GB内存,64GB的启动盘,200GB热数据也就是缓存盘,500GB数据盘。打开磁盘UUID加载系统镜像文件安装系统 这里配置下IP配置IP之后同意许可协议开始安装安装完成之后重启到登录界面全部部署完成之后SSH到第一台节点node1rootnutanix/4u然后登录到第一个CVM节点nutanix...
When you create the server profile, selectDevice bayorDevice bay + server hardwareaffinity. If you select the affinityDevice bay + server hardwarefor an empty bay, the UUID is set when a matching server hardware type is inserted into the bay....