如果你使用Tomcat服务器,可以修改server.xml文件来设置文件上传的大小限制。 在<Connector>元素中添加maxPostSize属性: <Connectorport="8080"protocol="HTTP/1.1"connectionTimeout="20000"redirectPort="8443"maxPostSize="10485760"/> 1. 这里的maxPostSize属性值为10MB,即10 * 1024 * 1024。 Nginx服务器 如果你...
One solution is to increase the maximum HTTP header size in Tomcat by adding the attribute maxHttpHeaderSize="32768" to all defined Connectors in the server.xml (the default is 8kB). In case Tomcat is running behind a proxy, the limit may need to be increased there, too. In case of ...
MaxFileSize=10MB Note When the server is running on UNIX platforms, we recommend that you do not uncomment the lines to redirect output to a log file. All messages will then be redirected to log files jvue.log and jvue_n.log, where n is the process number and you will have as many...
One solution is to increase the maximum HTTP header size in Tomcat by adding the attribute maxHttpHeaderSize="32768" to all defined Connectors in the server.xml (the default is 8kB). In case Tomcat is running behind a proxy, the limit may need to be increased there, too. In case of Apa...
Tomcat AuthenticatorBase가 403 대신 500을 반환합니다. 4946762 Out-of-Box 기본 영역은 기본 상태이어야 합니다. 4948123 상황에 따라 Web Server 6.1이 잘못된 클라이언트 키 크기를 보고합니다. 4949842 WEB...
Web Server 6.1 SP11リバース・プロキシ・プラグインがPOSTエンティティ本体なしでPOSTリクエストを再試行します。 6917879 ヘッダー名が空のTRACEリクエストが原因で不正な形式のレスポンスが生成されます。 6387189 デプロイされたモジュールでのJavaのロギングの問題 6837931 HTTP4352:...
jbosshttp://love.baihe.com/Reg.action jboss4.0.2 sqlserver2000 配置多数据源,密码加密 http://superxgz.iteye.com/blog/192778 http://gaoran2008.iteye.com/blog/181110 linux jboss 新到公司里一切都是新的,呵呵。遇到的问题也是很多的,公司主要是作电子商务这一块。于是我接到的一个任务就是在Linux...
#AOP spring.aop.auto = true #添加@EnableAspectJAutoProxy。 spring.aop.proxy-target-class = false #是否要创建基于子类(CGLIB)的代理(true),而不是基于标准Java接口的代理(false)。 #IDENTITY(ContextIdApplicationContextInitializer) spring.application.index =#应用程序索引。 spring.application.name =#应用程...