HTTP响应码411表示“Length Required”。当服务器期望请求中包含Content-Length头字段,但实际上请求中未包含时,服务器会返回此状态码。 为何服务器会返回411响应码 服务器返回411响应码通常发生在以下几种情况: 客户端发送了需要Content-Length的请求:某些HTTP方法(如POST或PUT)在发送数据时,服务器可能要求客户端在请求... Server returned HTTP response code: 411forURL 百度之后得到:在调用时,添加如下两行代码即可,今行文以记之: /*解决411*/httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length","0"); DataOutputStream os=newDataOutputStream( httpConnection.getOutputStream() );/*解决411*/ 附解决方案链...
执行的时候,总是报Server returned HTTP response code: 411 for URL的错误,一开始是报Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL的错误,后来URLEncoder.encode设置编码以后就报411的错了,本以为还是中文的问题,后把connection.setRequestMethod("GET");改成GET的就可以,之前是POST。 Server returned HTTP response code: 411 for URL 2017-12-14 16:10 −今日调用一post方式提交的http接口,此接口在测试环境ip调用时无问题,但在生产环境通过域名调用时一直报如下错误: Server returned HTTP response code: 411 for URL 百度之后得到:在调用时,添.... Server returned HTTP response code: 411 for URL 2017-12-14 16:10 −今日调用一post方式提交的http接口,此接口在测试环境ip调用时无问题,但在生产环境通过域名调用时一直报如下错误: Server returned HTTP response code: 411 for URL 百度之后得到:在调用时,添....
When scanning a complete website, some URLs may result in a standard HTTP error response code, and other URLs may simply error in different manner, e.g. through connect or read timeouts. Some common examples are: 500 : Internal Server Error, 503 : Service Temporarily Unavailable and -4...
the development server returned response error code:404 react native的端口被占用,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
configuration.setRestrictedHttpMethods(true);Or in configuration file:restrictedHttpMethods=falseIf you do not use the "restricted mode", POST or GET methods and server returns the response with 411 error code, JaperserverRestClient resend this request through POST method with the X-HTTP-Method-...
If the OBS server encounters an error when processing a request, a response containing the error code and error description is returned. The following table lists details
Define this to be what type you'd like returned for files with unknown suffixes. Warning: MUST be all lower case.#define DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT 80 default HTTP Port #define DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT 443 default HTTPS Port #define DEFAULT_VHOST_ADDR 0xfffffffful The address, when used...