Find the best Minecraft PE servers with our multiplayer server list. Our MCPE Server list contains all the best Minecraft Pocket Edition servers around.
This will be a great alternative to 2b2t as you can freely play this on virtually any platform that has Minecraft even Switch & Java! Upon entering this server, you soon realize how chaotic a world can be where there is no “higher power”, the whole game is based around the players ...
▌官网下载地址: Minecraft Server ▌备注: 勾选“I agree to the Minecraft End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy” 才能下载 左边为 Windows 系统用的服务器软件 右边为 Ubuntu 系统用的服务器软件 ...
▌答案当然是:使用「海东喵」的《基岩版BDS配置生成器》解决啦!▌基岩版BDS配置生成器:基岩版BDS配置生成器 - 海东喵's Minecraft 帮助站使用方法:设置完成后点击 ”生成 并下载“。将…
在页面下载Windows版 你也可以在如minebbs等论坛下载镜像或整合包。 使用网盘等传输服务或在服务器上下载——总之把这个东西带上服务器 解压压缩包(如果有)点击bedrock_server.exe,会跳出一个类似cmd的窗口,如果其加载停止,在其页面按回车。有[info] serve...
你在Minecraft 服务器中见过服主的哪些骚操作? 晏子 原创内容以CC BY 4.0/署名 4.0 国际授权转载。 服主没干出什么,我倒是帮他搞了个东西: Update.bat ::程序初始化 @Echo Off cd /d %~dp0 Title Minecraf… 讨论量 2.1 万 父话题 Minecraft: Bedrock Edition(《我的世界》基岩版) ...
Serenity provides a well written set of apis and tools for building Minecraft Bedrock servers, allowing developers to focus on creating unique gameplay experiences, without worrying about the underlying network and protocol details. Serenity is in a active state of development, though is now ...
雨,渐渐变大。周围的景物,似乎变得逸动起来。 抬头,一座陈旧的阁楼。残破的窗户,昏黄的灯光,给人几丝家的温暖。 也许,在雨中微微摇曳着的温暖阁楼,正是你我的归宿吧。 雨逸阁——一个新兴的Minecraft-BE服务器。 我们经历了一个周目的锤炼,已经处于稳定阶段。 这里拥有机制完善的纯生存服,以及多种小游戏服。
import { world, ItemStack, EntityEquippableComponent, EquipmentSlot, EntityComponentTypes, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; import { MinecraftItemTypes } from "@minecraft/vanilla-data"; function givePlayerEquipment( targetLocation: DimensionLocation ) { const players = world.getAllPlayers()...
import { world, EntityInventoryComponent, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; function getFirstHotbarItem(log: (message: string, status?: number) => void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation) { for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) { const inventory = player.getComponent(EntityInve...