3077ErrorHttpOperationForbidden服务器响应 403,因为用户没有执行操作的正确权限。 确保你具有用于指定操作的权限。 连接器至少需要“get、list、wrapKey、unwrapKey”权限才能正常运行。 3100ErrorHttpCreateHttpClientOutOfMemory由于内存不足,无法为 AKV 操作创建 HttpClient。
The Cluster service has detected that its service account is missing one or more of the required privileges. The missing privilege list is: '%1' and is not currently granted to the service account. Use the 'sc.exe qprivs clussvc' to verify the privileges of the Cluster service (ClusSvc)....
Description: 'AADSTS700027: Client assertion contains an invalid signature. [Reason - The key was not found., Thumbprint of key used by client: '***'] Trace ID: 7c9c2ff1-7325-4ac0-9920-debbbb3d0600 Correlation ID: 3644586e-1c85-4ab2-927a-167f38ce1209 Timestamp: 2020-07-24 18:39...
error: /vmlinuz-3.10.0 has invalid signature error: you need to load the kernel first 1. 2. 按F1 进入 BIOS,关闭 Secure Boot BIOS +-> Security +-> Secure Boot [Disabled] 1. 2. 3. ref: vmlinuz-4.18.12-041812-generic has invalid signature...
%ls。 45334 16 不 服务器版本“%ls”无效。 45335 16 不 服务器类型“%ls”无效。 45336 16 不 无法完成该操作,因为“%ls”是无效的服务器密钥名称。 请以“vault_key_version”格式提供密钥名称。 例如,如果 keyId https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/Y...
0x8007370B ERROR_SXS_INVALID_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME 标识中的属性名不在有效范围内。 0x8007370A ERROR_SXS_INVALID_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE 标识中的属性值不在有效范围内。 0x80070057 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 参数不正确。 0x800B0100 TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE 主题中没有签名。 0x80092003 CRYPT...
If you have 2FA/MFA enabled on your Gmail then you'll need to create and use an app password here. Always check host smtp.gmail.com for the most up-to-date domains to list. This file has your Gmail password so we need to lock it down: sudo chown root:Debian-exim /etc/exim4/...
System has halted. Cause: The memory configuration is invalid. Action: Replace the RAID controller card. 27 Cache data was lost due to an unexpected power-off or reboot during a write operation, but the adapter has recovered. This could be because of memory problems, bad battery, or you ...
将智能卡插入智能卡读卡器时,Windows 会尝试通过即插即用服务下载和安装卡的智能卡微型驱动程序。 如果智能卡的驱动程序在任何预配置位置(如 Windows 更新、WSUS 或 Intranet 路径)上不可用,并且系统上尚未安装自定义加密服务提供商,则会在通知区域中收到以下错误消息: ...
Cause: The server has created more than one artifact with the same relative path to be included in the generated app client JAR file Action: This is an internal server error. Please file a bug report. DPL8026 Submodule {0} has been expanded from the EAR into the same relative location as...