VNC server: no dispalys configured [FAILED]) 检查配置文件(取消如下两行注释),图中的两行根据实际情况修改,再启动服务查看 注意:检查防火墙和selinux不然有可能会连接不上。 分类: Linux系统 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 杨灏 粉丝- 16 关注- 0 +加关注 0 0 « 上一篇: linux磁盘修复(...
Active Directory Domain Services could not update the following object Active Directory Domain Services Naming information cannot be located because: The RPC server is unavailable. Contact your system administrator to verify that your domain is properly configured and is currently online. Active Directory...
解决方法:打开vncserver配置文件; #vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers 找到#VNCSERVERS="1:root"和 #VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 800x600 –nolisten tcp -localhost",并将前面的注释去掉即可;
[root@moodle-bak .X11-unix]# vncserver WARNING: The first attempt to start Xvnc failed, possibly because the font catalog is not properly configured. Attempting to determine an appropriate font path for this system and restart Xvnc using that font path ... Could not start Xvnc. _XSERVTransS...
VNC service was working fine until a recent power outage. When I try to run systemctl start vncserver@:1.service it gives a message as Job for vncserver@:1.service failed because a configured resource limit was exceeded. See "systemctl status vncserver@:1.service" and "journalctl -xe" ...
Up to this point, our VNC server is up and running. However, it cannot give us access to a graphical interface since it’s not configured to launch our XFCE desktop environment; Tip:If you ever want to change the VNC password or the view-only password, execute the command below: ...
启动vnc 报错: [root@slavetwo ~]# vncserver WARNING: The first attempt to start Xvnc failed,possibly because the font catalog is not properly configured. Attempting to determine an appropriate font path for this system and restart Xvncusing that font path ... ...
Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup Log file is /root/.vnc/localhost.localdomain:1.log 配置用户 vim/etc/sysconfig/vncservers 最后一行加入: VNCSERVERS="1:root"多个用户用空格分开 实用命令 usage: vncserver [:<number>] [-name <desktop-name>] [-depth <depth>] ...
Log file is /root/.vnc/localhost.localdomain:1.log 配置用户 vim /etc/sysconfig/vncservers 最后一行加入: VNCSERVERS="1:root" 多个用户用空格分开 实用命令 usage: vncserver [:] [-name ] [-depth ] [-geometry x] [-pixelformat rgbNNN|bgrNNN] ...
VNC has had security vulnerabilities in the past, making it potentially susceptible to unauthorized access or attacks. If not properly configured, VNC can pose security risks, such as weak encryption or authentication methods. It is crucial to implement strong security measures and keep the VNC soft...