FoxDev CubeWorld IP: Vote - Server info Website Server game: Cube World FoxDev CubeWorld [King of the Hill] #8 0#8 cw@ZNW IP: Vote - Server info Website Server game: Cube World cw@ZNW #9 0#9 devyboy6 IP: ...
Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: play.cubecraft.netCubeCraft Games is one of the largest server networks in the world. We always strive to make the best games and bring the most fun to everyone. Our servers run 24/7 and have the capability to hold many thousands of players...
"Why is CubeCraft not included in the above list?" is the IP to the BedrockConnect serverlist server. If you are hosting your own BedrockConnect serverlist server as well, obviously use that IP instead Here's a script to setup BIND (DNS server software) on Linux: https:...