Re: help, I can't ping the server in packet tracer Bookmark | Subscribe | Options Go to solution longle001 Level 1 Options 12-30-201911:05 AM I can't ping the Dual Stack Server from PC3. I attached the packetracer in the zip file below. Anyone care to...
Real HTTP server API in Packet Tracer 8.2 Packet Tracer 7.2 introduced the capability to create a real HTTP server accessible from the outside of the Packet Tracer emulation environment. This capability is only available on the SBC IoT device. HTTP server can be programmed using javascript, pytho...
这是配置dhcp中继,要用到命令ip helper-address 比如 Router4#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Router4(config)#interface Ethernet 0 Router4(config-if)#ip helper-address /*指定dhcp1服务器的地址,表示通过Ethernet0向该服务器发送D...
Not in Packet Tracer. It just assigns the first IP address in the scope, regardless of the IP address assigned to the physical interface. Probably just another quirk, on real routers it actually does work the way you described. 0 Helpful Reply vinci...
有点没看懂你的意思 1,你在R3上写的172网段的空接口路由是模拟私网地址吗?但是这样也导致你路由回不去。2.应该在nat那里你写得也有点问题,蛮久没配置nat了,这个在网上应该容易找的
全局配置模式下记得配一条 no ip domain-lookup 就不会出现你说的问题了
Packet Tracer Help - Struggling to ping DHCP, DNS, email server Hi I'm new and unexperienced in packet tracer and I've hit a wall in my assignment. I need to ping from a pc to test connectivity to the internet. Currently all attempts to ping result in timed out req...
Packet Tracer Help - Struggling to ping DHCP, DNS, email server Hi I'm new and unexperienced in packet tracer and I've hit a wall in my assignment. I need to ping from a pc to test connectivity to the internet. Currently all attempts to ping result in timed out req...
2022年11月23日 14:04252浏览·3点赞·0评论 视频地址:19 cisco packet tracer配置PPPOE-AAA SERVER 润_哥 粉丝:646文章:1 关注 bba-group pppoe global virtual-template 10 ! interface Virtual-Template10 peer default ip address pool mypool ppp authentication chap ...
这种情况可能会出现在特权模式,或者用户模式打错命令时,设备认为你要用主机名称去连接其他设备,这时它会有一个向DNS服务器解析的过程。如果不需要这个功能。解决方法:可以进入到全局配置模式 配置no ip domain lookup命令关掉域名解析请求的功能。如有问题可追问,请采纳!