openai.internalservererror: error code: 502 错误通常表示你在尝试与 OpenAI 的 API 交互时,遇到了一个内部服务器错误。这个错误不是由你的代码直接引起的,而是由 OpenAI 的服务器端出现问题所导致的。以下是一些针对此错误的解决步骤和建议: 确认错误含义: 错误代码 502 是一个 HTTP 状态码,表示“Bad Gateway...
Server code 502 是HTTP状态码的一种,表示“502 Bad Gateway”错误。这是一个服务器端错误,具体来说...
}, error=function(e){ cat("Error encountered for SNP: ", i, ". Message: ", e$message, ". Retrying...\n") Sys.sleep(5) # 延迟以减少服务器压力 }) } if(!success){ error_snps <- c(error_snps, i) next # 如果达到最大尝试次数,跳过当前SNP,继续下一个 } outc_rt <- extract_...
Same code works perfect at development machine, while in production it gives 502 web server errors. Please check below error text: 502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server. ** ** There is a problem with the page you are looking for, an...
Server code: 502; Server is possibly experiencing traffic, trying again... Server error: 502 Failed to retrieve results from server. See error status message in the returned object and contact the developers if the problem persists.
nginx服务器频繁报“500 Internal Server Error”错误,是由于服务器上文炳数设置太小,设置方法如下: ... 竟然会出现'502 Server Error',导致不能使用!没有Google使用,我怎么上网找东西啊?千万不要建议我使用
cf create-service gstools-ecs-cluster 5gb yogi-test-ecs Creating service instance yogi-test-ecs in org PsAppsOrg / space PsApps-Tst as mummay... FAILED Server error, status code: 502, error code: 10001, message: Service broker error: com...
File "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/mlx-chat/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 980, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.InternalServerError: Error code: 502