500: Indicates an internal server error with the ErrorServerBusy error code. This indicates that the client should delay sending additional requests until a later time. The response may contain a back off hint called BackOffMilliseconds. If present, the value of BackOffMilliseconds ...
When you try to synchronize an Exchange Web Service (EWS)-based application to a mailbox in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 environment, you receive an ErrorServerBusy response code and an error message that resembles ...
Status Code Error Code Description Handling Measure 400 SMS.0007 Agent error. Agent error. Contact technical support. 400 SMS.0201 Network busy. Source server failed to connect to API Gateway. Network busy. Source server failed to connect to API Gateway. Check the network between the source ...
If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call an API, rectify the fault by referring to the instructions provided in Error Codes.
500: Indicates an internal server error with theErrorServerBusyerror code. This indicates that the client should delay sending additional requests until a later time. The response may contain a back off hint calledBackOffMilliseconds. If present, the value ofBackOffMillisecondsshould...
When you try to synchronize an Exchange Web Service (EWS)-based application to a mailbox in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 environment, you receive an ErrorServerBusy response code and an error message that resembles ...
Fix NDR error 550 4.4.7 in Exchange Online - Exchange Learn how to fix email issues for error code 550 4.4.7 in Exchange Online (the destination email server won't or can't accept the message). NDR error 554 4.3.2 mailbox busy - Exchange Fixes an issue in which you can...
- Referhttps://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/2800080/errorserverbusy-response-code-when-you-synchronize-an-ews-based-applic - Check the values of Web.config “MbxServerEnableConcurrencyControl”, “``MdbFairUnhealthyLatencyThreshold” Hope this helps....
500: Indicates an internal server error with the ErrorServerBusy error code. This indicates that the client should delay sending additional requests until a later time. The response may contain a back off hint called BackOffMilliseconds. If present, the value of BackOffMilliseconds shou...
MQBrokerException: CODE: 1 DESC: create mapped file failed, server is busy or broke通常在RocketMQ的Broker端处理消息时出现。当Broker尝试创建映射文件(mapped file)用于存储消息数据时,如果服务器的资源不可用、磁盘空间不足、或其他系统瓶颈导致操作失败,就会抛出这个异常。