云服务器备份(Cloud Server Backup Service, CBS)是为云服务器系统盘提供的备份保护服务,通过全量和增量备份确
Cloud Server Backup Service (CSBS) creates consistent online backups for Elastic Volume Service (EVS) disks on Elastic Cloud Servers (ECSs), without stopping the servers. If there is a virus intrusion, accidental deletion, or software/hardware fault, data can be restored to any backup point....
Cloud Server Backup Service Cloud Computing: Access product manuals, HedEx documents, product images and visio stencils.
Cloud Server Backup Service (CSBS) can create a backup for an Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) and Bare Metal Server (BMS) (including the configuration specifications of the ECS and BMS, and data on system and data disks. BMS supports only data backup on data disks.), and restore the service...
With Backup Bird you can backup your servers in the cloud. Backup Bird is a Cloud Server Backup service with an easy setup and powerful alerts.
云服务器备份(Cloud Server Backup Service,CSBS)可为云服务器创建备份,利用备份数据恢复云服务器业务数据,最大限度保障用户数据的安全性和正确性,确保业务安全。云服务器备份提供对弹性云服务器(Elastic Cloud Server,ECS)和裸金属服务器(Bare Metal Server,BMS)的备份保护服务(下文将二者统称为服务器),支持基于多云...
If other Linux applications need application-consistent backup, you can compile custom scripts to freeze and unfreeze them. To ensure the custom scripts invokable by the
Cloud Server Backup Service What's New Service Overview Getting Started User Guide Best Practices Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for MySQL Preparations Procedure Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for SAP HANA Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup ...
云服务器备份服务(CSBS):Cloud Server Backup Service,为云服务器提供整机备份功能,支持基于多云硬盘一致性快照技术的本地备份,以及对备份数据的远程复制,并支持利用备份数据恢复云服务器数据,最大限度保障用户数据的安全性和正确性,确保业务安全。 云硬盘备份服务(VBS):Volume Backup Service,基于云硬盘的备份服务。用...
云备份Cloud Backup控制台。 单击备份>数据库备份,选择所在地域,然后单击SQL Server。单击ECS数据库实例或者本地数据库实例页签。找到目标SQL Server实例,在其右侧的操作列表,单击备份。 在新建备份计划面板,配置如下信息。 配置备份内容,然后单击下一步。