输入密码后会开始下载homebrew,如果此时网速不稳定可能会出现错误提示:curl: (35) Server aborted the SSL handshake。此时需要执行卸载操作,输入如下命令进行卸载:
今天想看看leveldb代码,拉仓库时候提示了Server aborted the SSL handshake,如下 网上查了下,有说市curl版本太低,有说市ssh钥匙问题,前面那个直接brew upgrade curl,但是依旧提示错误,后面那个感觉不太可能,后来想起是上学的时候为了提git的速度,设置了httpproxy,但是现在proxy失效了,所以gg,把proxy关了就好了 git co...
# 先删除curl brew uninstall curl # 重新安装curl,带上--with-openssl brew install curl--with-openssl # 然后重启下php-fpm 由群居的蚂蚁之ColorRabbit提供
Closing connection 0 curl: (35) Server aborted the SSL handshake I am getting this error, while doing a curl to url through proxy, can someone please help in identifying the issue. curl -k -v --cacert /Users/test/test2.pem https://appurl --proxy "http://user:pwd@proxyurl:8181" -...
nginx 提示the "ssl" directive is deprecated, use the "listen ... ssl" directive instead 2019-12-04 21:47 −该问题是由于新版nginx采用新的方式进行监听https请求了 解决方式: 1.在listen中改为 listen 443 ssl; 2.删除ssl配置 # ssl on; 完美解决: 解决完成前后的配置如下 解决前: server { list...
1、Generating a new SSH key 1)终端下执行 ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "shifangfang0819@126.co...
curl: (35) Server aborted the SSL handshake Error: Failure while executing: /usr/bin/curl -f#LA Homebrew\ 0.9.5\ (Ruby\ 1.8.7-358;\ Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.9.2) https://trac.macports.org/export/102008/trunk/dports/devel/gettext/files/patch-gettext-tools-Makefile.in -o 000-homebrew.diff...
# Mac OS Sierra (10.12)$ curl-o-https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.37.2/install.sh curl:(35)Serveraborted theSSLhandshake $ sudo chown $(whoami):admin/usr/local&&sudo chown-R$(whoami):admin/usr/local 最后编辑于:2021.02.09 11:54:26 ...
Before performing an operation with proxy authorization, the account of the proxy user is validated. If the proxy user account is locked out, inactivated, if the password has been reset or has expired the client operation is aborted. By using proxy authorization, an LDAP application can use a...
, countdonormovechunkaborted : long ( "<num>" ) , totaldonormovechunktimemillis : long ( "<num>" ) , totaldonorchunkclonetimemillis : long ( "<num>" ) , totalcriticalsectioncommittimemillis : long ( "<num>" ) , totalcriticalsectiontimemillis : long ( "<num>" ) , countdocsclone...