Windows Server 2025Windows Server 2022Windows Server 2019Windows Server 2016 本文内容 组件 其他要求 若要正确安装 Windows Server,则计算机必须满足本文所述的最低硬件要求。 如果计算机不符合这些要求,则可能无法正确安装本产品。 实际要求会因系统配置和所安装的应用程序及功能而异。
本文列出了在 Windows 操作系统上安装和运行 SQL Server 2022 (16.x) 至少需要满足的硬件和软件要求。 有关其他版本的 SQL Server 的硬件和软件要求,请参阅: SQL Server 2019 SQL Server 2016 和 2017 Linux 上的 SQL Server 硬件要求 以下内存和处理器要求适用于所有版本的 SQL...
Windows Server 2022 – Hardware Requirements Regardless of whether you choose to install Windows Server 2022 on physical hardware or in a virtual machine, you’ll need to make sure you meet the minimum hardware requirements. Exceeding the minimum hardware requirements is recommended for most workloads...
Disk space requirementsDuring installation of SQL Server, Windows Installer creates temporary files on the system drive. Before you run Setup to install or upgrade SQL Server, verify that you have at least 6.0 GB of available disk space on the system drive for these files. This requirement ...
It is important to note that Server 2022 Essentials can't be used as a member server on an existing domain, or have member servers on the same domain. It can't be used as a terminal server. If any of these features are required, Server 2022 Standard is recommended as a minimum....
Server Core: This is the recommended installation option. It’s a smaller installation that includes the core components of Windows Server and supports all server roles but does not include a local graphical user interface (GUI). It is used for “headless” deployments which are managed remotely...
The highly diverse scope of potential deployments makes it unrealistic to state recommended hardware requirements that would be generally applicable. Consult documentation for each of the server roles you intend to deploy for more details about the resource needs of particular server roles. For the bes...
Processor SpeedMinimum:x64 Processor: 1.4 GHzRecommended:2.0 GHz or faster Processor Typex64 Processor: AMD Opteron, AMD Athlon 64, Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with EM64T support Note Installation of SQL Server is supported on x64 processors only. It is no longer sup...
Microsoft announced a new version of Windows Server 2022 in September 2021. Since then, many people and forums have been speculating about the improvements and new features of Windows Server 2022. Outdated hardware and software or operating systems are not recommended for IT infrastructure as they ...
SQL Server 2022 与 Azure 的连接(包括 Azure Synapse Link 和 Microsoft Purview)使客户更容易从他们的数据中大规模地获得更深入的洞察、预测和治理 (sysin)。Azure 集成还包括到 Azure SQL 托管实例的托管灾难恢复 (DR),以及近乎实时的分析,使数据库管理员能够以更大的灵活性和对最终用户的最小影响来管理他们...