Windows Registry Editor Version5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate]"DisableUserInitiatedUpdates"=dword:00000001;1= 禁止用户更改设置 设置更新通知的行为 Copy Code Windows Registry Editor Version5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU]"No...
Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices -IncludeManagementTools 安装完成后,可以使用以下命令来配置和管理 Windows Server 更新服务: powershell # 运行更新服务设置向导 Initialize-Service -Name "UpdateServices" # 配置更新服务 Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Update Services\Server\Setup" -...
✅Windows Server 2025, ✅Windows Server 2022, ✅Windows Server 2019, ✅Windows Server 2016 In this article In-place OS upgrade (feature update) Cluster operating system rolling upgrade (feature update) Clean operating system install
Windows Server 2022的功能和优势 版本和许可证 安装和配置: 硬件要求 安装Windows Server 2022 服务器管理工具 配置基本设置 文件和存储服务: 文件共享和权限 存储池和存储空间 数据备份和恢复 网络服务: 概述网络服务 DHCP服务器 DNS服务器 网络策略服务器 ...
One CU package includes all available updates for all SQL Server 2022 components (features). However, the cumulative update package updates only those components that are currently installed on the SQL Server instance that you select to be serviced. If a SQL Server feature (for example, Analysis...
One CU package includes all available updates for all SQL Server 2022 components (features). However, the cumulative update package updates only those components that are currently installed on the SQL Server instance that you select to be serviced. If a SQL Server feature (for example, Analysis...
We have added new server properties to the ReportServer DB in SQL 2022. To change default configurations, you will need to update them in theadvanced property dialog. The advanced properties in Power BI Report Server are like Power BI Service’s tenant settings in the Admin portal. ...
首先,下載 LAN.AzureStack 設定檔 Windows HLK WS 2022 Update 的HLK PCS 更新。 擷取 zip 封存&以下列格式將 HLK 資料夾中的檔案複製取代為更新套件中的檔案: 將Microsoft.Networking.Test.Common.dll 取代為* C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Hardware Lab Kit\Tests\amd64\...
Now you can adjust the update function in the control panel. Windows Backup Service If you need to use the Windows Backup Service (feature) together with aStorage Box, set up a user on the local system which has the same name as the Storage Box Account. Then enter this user as a membe...