Leadership style in nursing has influenced nurses and patients at hospitals. One of the styles suitable to put into practice is servant leadership, as there found valuable similarities in characteristics, such as being altruistic, serving, and healing. Servant leadership in...
This article discusses the outcomes of a secondary analysis of ethnographic research data, focusing specifically on management issues and behaviors which can help the reader to visualize evidence-based examples of servant-leadership, a transformational leadership model that seeks to empower members of an...
AUGUST 2007 The official Newsletter of Centenary United Methodist Church, "The Miracle on McLemore" "…all that God is doing with us, and through us, and sometimes, in spite of us, here at Centenary!" 10 Principles of Servant-Leadership by Larry Spears of the Greenleaf Center 1. Listening...
Servant Leadership in Nursing: Spirituality and Practice in Contemporary Health Care embraces the philosophy that a true leader, in any venue, must be a servant of those he or she leads. This text includes current information on the relevance of servant leadership for nurses practicing in a ...
nursingservant-leadershipThis article discusses the outcomes of a secondary analysis of ethnographic research data, focusing specifically on management issues and behaviors which can help the reader to visualize evidence-based examples of servant-leadership, a transformational leadership model that seeks to ...
Servant leadership in nursing: A framework for developing sustainable research capacity in nursing. Col- legian:JournaloftheRoyalCollegeofNursingAustralia15:1-6.Jackson, D. (2008). Servant leadership in nursing: A framework for developing sustainable research Capacity in nursing. Collegian, 15, 27-...
SERVANT-LEADERSHIP IN NURSING EDUCATIONdoi:10.33972/ijsl.384TODT, KENDREACOVINGTON, SARAHInternational Journal of Servant-Leadership
Servant Leadership In Nursing, 1st EditionMary Elizabeth O’Brien
Servant-Leadership and School NursingBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksBrian DavenportA CowartPacific Northwest Regional Conference on Servant Leadership
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between spirituality and servant leadership characteristics in undergraduate and graduate nursing students. Although the relationship between these two concepts has been studied in the workplace, less is known about the links of servant ...