Serum Clotted Blood Collection Tube Tube Types Plain Tube, EDTA Tube, Serum Tube, Sst Tube, etc. Tube Sizes 13*75mm, 13*100mm, 16*100mm, 8*120mm Usage Clinical Haematology, Cross Matching, Blood Group Cap Color Red, Yellow, Green, Grey, Blue, Purple, Black Additive Clot/Gel&Clot...
When conducting routine blood tests, serum samples are essential test subjects, so it is very important to quickly obtain high-quality serum samples. The yellow cap vacuum blood collection vessel used in hospital blood collection can meet the requirements for rapid ...
When conducting routine blood tests, serum samples are essential test subjects, so it is very important to quickly obtain high-quality serum samples. The yellow cap vacuum blood collection vessel used in hospital blood collection can meet the requirements for rapid serum extra...
34 Recommended order of draw Order of Draw to avoid cross-contamination of additives between tubes Yellow-Black top: Blood culture, this is always FIRST. Red-top: non-additive. Use this before using tubes containing additives Light-Blue top: Coagulation, contains sodium citrate Last draw -...
When conducting routine blood tests, serum samples are essential test subjects, so it is very important to quickly obtain high-quality serum samples. The yellow cap vacuum blood collection vessel used in hospital blood collection can meet the requirements for rapi...
Dietary intake of aflatoxins and the level of albumin-bound aflatoxin in peripheral blood in The Gambia, West Africa. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prev. 1992, 1, 229–234. 23. Dirr, H.W.; Schabort, J.C. Aflatoxin B1 transport in rat blood plasma. Binding to albumin in vivo and in ...
treatment), the rats were anesthetized. The whole bloodwas collected through abdominal aorta, and collected into clean test-tubes with or without EDTA. Then, the bloodsamples without EDTA were immediately centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min, and the serum samples were separated and stored at ...
One mL of each blood sample was collected into FX blood collection tubes (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) and glucose was immediately analysed using the YSI 2300 STAT PLUS Biochemistry Analyser (YSI, Yellow Springs, OH, USA). Four mL of each blood sample was collected into SST ...