去年拍的,然后忘了。 蛇王是由眼镜蛇组织的科学家光头博士创造出来,意欲代替眼镜蛇指挥官的人造人。他体内包含了成吉思汗、恐怖伊凡、拿破仑、凯撒等众多历史上著名军事家、统治者的DNA。这使得蛇王比眼镜蛇指挥官要高明许多。但是也有副作用,蛇王自身的情绪极不稳定,经常冲动地做出一些愚蠢的决定。 附带的这个载具,...
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PCS COLLECTIBLES OCT208062 From PCS Collectibles. Go Joe - and collect these cool 1:8 scale statues of the Real American Heroes' deadliest enemies:Baroness, DestroandSerpentor. In Shops: Jul 14, 2021 SRP: $50.00 ORDERWISH LIST
Joe: A Real American Hero in this very special reprint of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #49 and #50! From the prolific imagination of Living Legend Larry Hama, and featuring the origin of fan-favorite villain Serpentor, "Serpentor Uncoiled" is a must-have for long-time collectors and ...
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