Western Symbols: Many animals represent a theme or idea or emotion in western societies. However, these values are not universal in comparison to other cultures, who have different ideas about symbolism. Answer and Explanation: Serpents and snakes have several different symbolical meanings in western...
This groundbreaking book explores in plentiful detail the symbol of the serpent from 40,000 BCE to the present, and from diverse regions in the world. In doing so it emphasizes the creativity of the biblical authors' use of symbols and argues that we must today reexamine our own archetypal ...
The Devil and the Beast of Revelation is called “the serpent or viper” in the Scriptures, and “worm” was constantly used for “serpent” by many of the ancient Italian writers. In Inferno, Dante calls the Devil “the great worm.”“They shall move out of their holes like worms of ...